Yellowstone Images

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>Writing tickets and making arrests was not one of our goals.

I don't know why I would make your teeth itch. Your story proves exactly what I have said. It is much harder to get a ticket written in a National Park than when you are not in a NP. Cops outside of parks have quotas.

I have been told by more than one ranger that the policy of the park service is to not write a ticket and ruin a vacation unless it is pretty blatant.

I have no problem calling LE whenever there is a loud drunken party keeping me up at night after ten pm in a campground. I must have called a dozen different times. In every single case the LEO will show up and tell them to shut up. Never have I seen them write a ticket for disturbing the peace. And it really bothers me that I have to call to complain. Why is someone (volunteer, campground host, LEO) patrolling the campground at night? There should at least be someone who makes one round at around 10:30 or 11 to shut these drunk morons up. Maybe if they started writing tickets for disturbing the peace then the parties might stop.
OK, it's time to get back on topic. We've discussed the policing of parks long enough!

Attached is a photo of the Travertine Terraces at Mammoth Hot Springs. I took it during my Landscape Photography course. The best time to photograph these terraces is at sunset. You just can't get the reflections you see at sunset.


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Very nice Jim. Have you photographed Old Faithful at sunrise? With the sun low on the horizon it makes a cool shot with the sun backlighting the geyser.


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Sunday night, OF at (98%) full moonrise. 

I haven't gotten a sunrise, but many sunsets.  Tough to not blow out the whites.  Try underexposing a little to get detail in the steam and water. 
PancakeBill said:
Sunday night, OF at (98%) full moonrise. 

I haven't gotten a sunrise, but many sunsets.  Tough to not blow out the whites.  Try underexposing a little to get detail in the steam and water.

I did underexpose it and I did everything I could in Lightroom to get some detail in the whites, but it isn't going to happen. That is the best I can do. If I would have underexposed it any further the people would disappear.

Thanks! I took quite a few to get that one. Had to manipulate the exposure slightly. One of these days I'll go back again since we'll be here for a while. :)

Nice shot of the sunrise and Old Faithful. I've tried sunset but they didn't come out. We'll be doing that again as well.
Hi Bill,

Thanks. Someday we'll have to take a ride up there. The upper terrace gets a lot of reflections.
Bill & I went to a photography club meeting in West Yellowstone last Wednesday. On the way back we passed through Madison. The scene was too nice to pass up. Attached is a photo at sunset on the Madison River. Venus can be seen above and to the right of the moon. This valley is extremely picturesque during the day. Not too bad at night. :)


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Very nice composition Jim. The landscape class must have been very helpful. I see it was an 8 second exposure. Did you guess at that, did you do a lot of bracketing or did the meter determine the exposure?
That's as good a photo as some I've seen on APOD, Jim.
Ned, if you love APOD you should check out this Night Sky challenge on dpreview:

This site is the most popular camera review spot on the Internet (they are owned by Amazon) and they have challenges going all the time. The challenge is to submit your best photo in a particular category and then people vote and elect a winner. Some of the shots just blow my mind, like the airliner across the moon. My shot is the 4 ducks across the moon. These are a combination of pros and amateurs, but you can't tell who is who.
Tom, there are some beautiful images at that web site.  It's been many years since I did any nighttime or astronomical photography.  In the summer, I'm usually in bed before it's dark out :)

I collect a lot of photos from APOD (over 1100 so far), particularly the deep sky images and use them as continuously changing desktop wallpaper on my computer.
Ned said:
Tom, there are some beautiful images at that web site.  It's been many years since I did any nighttime or astronomical photography.  In the summer, I'm usually in bed before it's dark out :)

I collect a lot of photos from APOD (over 1100 so far), particularly the deep sky images and use them as continuously changing desktop wallpaper on my computer.

That is my problem also. When I started full timing I had a telescope with me and aspirations of watching the night sky. But the problem is that is doesn't get dark until about 9 or 10 and it really isn't dark enough for viewing until about two hours later. That is way past my bedtime. That's why I enjoy APOD and the Hubble site so much.
I tried to post to this thread the other day but the system was so slow, and I'm on mobile broadband, that I gave up. Trying again as it seems to be normal today.

Tom & Ned,

Thanks for your comments. Not sure what APOD is, though. I've found a few more photos and will attach a couple here. Oops, haven't developed them yet. :) Will post shortly

Pat & I did the Biscuit Basin tour yesterday. I thought it was a short board walk around a few pools. Little did I know one board walk led to a trail into the woods. The trail led to Mystic Falls. Unfortunately, the light was not good for photographing but I took some anyway. This place is just amazing when you start to explore. Today I wanted to go up to the Lamar Valley again but I'm aching all over so will take some down time. Perhaps tomorrow we can make the trip.
Jim Dick said:
I tried to post to this thread the other day but the system was so slow, and I'm on mobile broadband, that I gave up. Trying again as it seems to be normal today.

Tom & Ned,

Thanks for your comments. Not sure what APOD is, though. I've found a few more photos and will attach a couple here. Oops, haven't developed them yet. :) Will post shortly

Pat & I did the Biscuit Basin tour yesterday. I thought it was a short board walk around a few pools. Little did I know one board walk led to a trail into the woods. The trail led to Mystic Falls. Unfortunately, the light was not good for photographing but I took some anyway. This place is just amazing when you start to explore. Today I wanted to go up to the Lamar Valley again but I'm aching all over so will take some down time. Perhaps tomorrow we can make the trip.

Astronomy Photo of the Day. When you go to Lamar Valley the secret (if you don't already know it) is to keep driving until you run into a bunch of people with spotting scopes in the same spot. And go early in the morning.
Astronomy Photo of the Day, as Tom says.  The home page is here and a new photo is posted every day.

Thanks for the explanation. Never thought I'd here my name along with something like that!!!! :) I didn't know that secret about Lamar. Will keep it in mind.

I've finally "developed" a few shots taken at Biscuit Basin yesterday. That trail I mentioned was a 1.7 mile hike along the upper Fire Hole River to Mystic falls. I still have to play around with the falls shots as the sun was almost in front of me. We'll see what happens. Along the way back we came upon an Elk feeding near the river.


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