You know you are retired when

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AStravelers said:
Being retired is miserable! 
--  I never get a vacation.
--  No sick day to be off from work.
--  I never get weekends off.

Such a hard life.  Woe is me.  :)

For me, after almost two yesrs - I can't figure out how I ever had time to go to work.  Busy Busy!  Fun Fun!
Summertime (May - October) time to travel and see the USA.  Other times - I have lots of cold weather hobbies and interests.

SO - You know you are retired when you can't figure out how you ever had the time to go to work.
I know I'm retired because I run out of money three days after SSI comes in
Oldgator73 said:
You have an alarm clock?

The problem I have is my internal alarm clock won't stop...Unless I've had a bad night...I wake up at 6:30 everyday :'( :'(
Sometimes I go to bed at 9, sometimes 10. There are times I won?t go to bed till 4am. Sometimes I get up at 6, sometimes 9. We normally have nowhere to be so our time is ours. We can plan a trip w/o thinking about work schedules. If we want to extend a vacation we don?t worry about calling the ?boss? to get approval. Do to no work requirements we can make reservations at State and National Parks during the week instead of on the weekend We have unlimited vacation and sick leave. That?s how I know I am retired.
I know I am retired because I keep taking seasonal jobs!

Already have my summer lined up and working on next winters.
Kinda like #9 above...

Until I retired, I never understood why my parents didn't know what day of the week it was. Now days have a feeling. Like, if I have to go to church for some reason (I'm the sexton), the day feels like Sunday, even if it's Tuesday.
You know you're retired when your wife asks what you're going to do today and you say, "Nothing.", so she says "That's what you did yesterday.", and you say, "I'm not done yet."
Memtb said:
      I known that I?m retired when.......I can?t do the things I had planned to do after retirement!

That sentence just made me sad.  I hope things get better for you!

It reminds me of the sentence:

Your sense of humor just hurt my feelings. 
PancakeBill said:
I know I am retired because I keep taking seasonal jobs!

  My seasonl job amounts to the proper application of salt, pepper and garlic powder to oven roasted seasonal job you can have
ziplock said:
That sentence just made me sad.  I hope things get better for you!

It reminds me of the sentence:

Your sense of humor just hurt my feelings.

      ziplock, I made it sound worse than it really is. For my age, I?m doing pretty darn good. It?s just my mind is often 20 or 30 years younger than the body. I can and should readjust priorities,  it just a disappointing reality!
Memtb said:
      ziplock, I made it sound worse than it really is. For my age, I?m doing pretty darn good. It?s just my mind is often 20 or 30 years younger than the body. I can and should readjust priorities,  it just a disappointing reality!

I'm a couple of months shy of 76, and yes, it's taken some time for me to adjust to the realities of not being able to do everything I used to do, or at least not as easily or as fast. I did a complete brake job on our coach last November that would have taken me perhaps 5-6 hours 10 years ago, but this time I spread it over two days. It's hard to accept, but hang in there, you'll learn what you can and cannot comfortably do as time goes by. Just accept it and don't push yourself too hard.
You know you're retired when you sit down at the end of the day thinking, "Man! I'm bushed, what a busy day, I got a lot done." But then you can't really identify what you accomplished.  ::)
Back2PA said:
You know you're retired when you sit down at the end of the day thinking, "Man! I'm bushed, what a busy day, I got a lot done." But then you can't really identify what you accomplished.  ::)

  Very true, reminds me of an old country song from the late ?60?s,  ?It Takes me All Night Long....To do What I Used  to Do All Night Long?, by Nat Stuckey!

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