Youngest Full Timer Couple

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New member
Nov 15, 2012
Just wanted to ask a quick question about the RVing community. My fiance and I had decided to become full timers about four months ago (Oct 2012). We have been living full time in our class A for about three months now. We usually get a lot of people saying we are the youngest couple they have seen (28 and 30 years old). Sometimes we run into some really rude people (Wildwood, FL - Three Flags RV Park), most of which are elderly. We also have a fair amount of supporters that think its great that we are able to do this. Is there something we are missing about this full timer experience? Is there some sort of entitlement that people think they get by full timing?
Congrats on your lifestyle choice.  You are fortunate to be able to pull it off so early.  Most of us long time RVers could care less about the age of  our RVing friends.  Most of the RV friends we know have been able to  live as full timers only after they  have  reached the age of retirement.  I do  not know of any entitlement thing you mention.

If  you can afford to not  work then yeah for you,  but most of  us worked THEN were able to retire  based on those working  years of savings.  We  learn daily on this RVForum that some people are able to work from their  rigs and live full time on the road.  Different strokes for different folks.  There is no excuse  for rudeness.  Don't confuse it with  jealously!

Keep on meeting new people and places!
Congrats......Pay no attention to the few rude folks you meet along the way. Enjoy your travels. We would not trade the fulltime life for anything.
Yep, Betty is right. When the wife and I started to FT we were 45 and 50 respectively, and we got some looks. After 5 years we are still usually the youngest retirees in the park.

That being said, our attitude has always been "who cares?".  We love the lifestyle, and that's all that matters.  We work out almost every day, and some people look at us like we have 3 heads! Just because you don't fit into their paradigm of what a full time RV'er looks like matters not.

Don't worry about what anybody thinks! We live in FL but have been fulltiming for 15 years (Wow, that's hard to believe!). I don't believe that reaction would be common throughout the country. Florida is full of, what I call, blue hairs. The women all seem to go to the same hair stylist and, when they come out, their hair is blue!  :)

Personally, I think they might be jealous that you could start so soon. We are in our 72nd year and would not think twice about someone your age going fulltime, except to wish we could have done it sooner.  ;D ;D
My wife and I and our three kids get out as often as we can. We have encountered many young couples who are gainfully employed (not trust fund babies or lotto winners) AND full timers. They just happen to be able to work remotely and enjoy the RV lifestyle.  Good for you.
We sure are entitled! We are entitled to a big time, every time, everywhere, or we can just pick up and move! We are entitled to meet people who RV once a year, once a month, every day and we enjoy them all equally! We are entitled to great views, expanded education, every form of physical recreation we can stand, and some wonderful friendships.

You are entitled to all of this as well, in whatever measure you choose, and in whatever manner fits you.

We have found very little of what you stumbled upon in Florida and hope you won't paint the rest of us with a broad stroke.

I hope you find this Forum as entertaining as it is informative and the people on it, when you get to meet them in your travels, will amaze and amuse you.

Welcome to entitlement!
My brother and his wife started fulltiming when they got married at 20 and 19 years old so I guess you miss out on the title of youngest since they were fulltiming 8 years before the oldest of you was born. They've been doing it now for 38 years and have no intention of stopping. They've always worked from their mobile abode and earned their way in life. Successfully raised their son who is now a productive member of society too, but has chosen a S&B lifestyle.

Fulltimers sometimes wear that status as a badge of honor although I haven't figured out why it is any more honorable than any other lifestyle. It's just a choice that they made and hopefully they enjoy it. My wife and I decided that we want to keep our house that we've had for many years and retire to it when we no longer can enjoy life on the road. We also enjoy boating and so we've kept our 40' power boat which we live on in the summertime. It's the choice we made and we enjoy it.

I have some good friends who choose to live an S&B lifestyle and sit on the City Council, volunteer at the food bank and do local social activities. That is a good choice too, and they enjoy it. No matter what you chose to do, it's your life. Live your life the most pleasant and full way you can. If RV'ing works out for you that's great. If it doesn't, then lick your wounds and try again.

Welcome and yes I kinda sense what you have felt the wife and I also retired Oct 2012 at a young age (both 46) but we had both worked and saved and I worked a job that was 25 years and out with a nice monthly pension. The wife still works from the rig. We have been in a nice park in central Florida and have met some great people old enough to be our parents and we have met some not so great people whom seem to be offended when we tell them were retired so be it I will not let it effect our lives. If you enjoy rving and your in a position where you can do it full time I say do it and don't worry about the others they truly are jealous.
More power to you.  If anyone is rude because of your age, that's their issue, not yours.  Enjoy full timing....I'd love to do it, and we've lived under our means for 25 years and we're in a financial position that we could at this point (49 & 44 years old) but two things stop us;  Health insurance costs, and I have an elderly parent that needs help from time to time.  Can't just pack up and bug out for a long time.  Don't think I'd want to full time for good either way, but taking 2 years off and hitting the road would be fun.

At any rate, congrats and enjoy the lifestyle.  :)
I would like to thank everyone for the kind words. My fiance is just so lucky enough to be able to work from the RV and I was also lucky enough to come along on the road. I'm the driver! My job is seasonal so I get the winter off to look for something else to do. We were just wondering if there was just some sort of resentment and as we both can tell there isn't. We love full timing so far and have learned and met a lot of great people along the way. I just installed our Blue Ox towing system on or 2013 Jeep Wrangler and love it. It been so amazing being able to just pack up and move our home. Looking forward to many more years in our 2004 Tiffin Allegro Bay.

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