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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2006
Nova Scotia
    Here is an article from the Montreal newspaper that features a one minute, or so, video done up by the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation.  It sure brings home the need to get up off of your butt and exercise.  It is extremely well done, take the few seconds to look at it.

Wow...something to definitely think about.  I'm determined to be like the guy on the left of the screen...the healthy one, God willing, of course.  When I go in for my annual physical, my doctor is always so enthusiastic about me.  I dance...tap dance, Zumba, ballroom if I can find a partner, and walk some, too.  I'm going to convince my DH to begin square dancing, I hope.  My doctor has told me that my chances of a stroke or heart attack are minimal.  In addition to being good for your insides, movement enables one to carry themselves and walk like they are younger.  Then a younger attitude takes over, and voila, your whole being is younger. 
I had 4 cardio by-passes 4 years. Folks, when they crack your chest open it hurts like hell. If I had known that it was going to hurt that bad I would have taken better care of myself. However, I was in pretty good shape and had gotten a  good report on a general health check-up the day before my heart attack.
My neighbor is now a widow due to her DH passing around a campfire a couple of months back.  Came out of the blue.  He had a mild heart attack about 6 months ago and came out of it with flying colors.  With no forewarn, around the campfire with family and friends, he stiffened up and his eyes got big as dinner plates. 

That was all there was to it.  He was gone.  One of the campfire friends was a paramedic and did what he could until the ambulance arrived.  Still to no avail. 

You never know.  Do what you can for yourself now.  While you still can.
Eye opening video clip. 

Stay active, keep the weight down, ingest the bad stuff only in moderation, and be like the guy on the left. 

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