Zion versus Bryce Canyon National Park

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Jan 25, 2013
We are planning a quick trip (12 days) from Portland, Oregon to the Grand Canyon and back in March.  We would like to stop at Zion and Bryce Canyon.  We'll hit one when we're headed to the Grand Canyon and the other one on the way home.  One of the parks will get the short stick and we'll likely only have one day there.  My question is... if you were planning a trip to the Grand Canyon and had to choose between spending an extra day in Zion or an extra day in Bryce Canyon, which would you pick and why?  The good news is my brother lives in Utah and we go there once a year.  Whichever park gets shorted this year may well be visited more in depth next year.  We've already seen Arches and Canyonland.  I wish we could take more time, but I would rather see what I can in that time frame then do nothing at all.  Last August we did a car trip from Portland to Glacier NP, Theodore Roosevelt NP, Mt Rushmore, Cody, Yellowstone NP and back - 3,326 miles in all - in 13 days.  We have 4 drivers in the truck and when everyone takes a 2 or 3 hour shift, we can make tracks getting from point A to point B.  And like I said - we go to Utah every year, so the drive from Portland to SLC is usually straight through.   
Thank you for your suggestions!
Well I would skip one all together this year sense you say you go yearly, one day at any of those parks is way to short!
We have been to both parks 4 times. Of the two, Bryce is our favorite, but then again, Zion is neat also. For us, the hikes down in Bryce as well as exploring the surrounding area make it one of our favorite places to keep going back to.

I second the suggestion to skip one and come back to it at a later date. One day for either Bryce or Zion is a waste of time.
Both are great and I have been to both many times, Zion is by far my favorite but Bryce should not be missed...pick one, either one and save the other for another trip.....both warrant some in-depth exploring.

Zion is less out of the way on your planned trip. Depending on the route you pick.

Good Luck.

One year it was snowing and we were abe to do the  drive in Bryce that stopped at several road side viewpoints.  That much could be done in one day but as others have said, if it were me I would skip one park to add another day to see  more of  one and come on back.  Life is full of so many choices.  Aren't you glad you asked?
i would spend a little less time at the grand canyon as both parks are worthy of your time.
We have been to the all three and I would rate Zion NP as my favorite .  The Grand Canyon is a must see but unless you are planning to go down to the bottom 2 days are more then enough . We stayed in Williams and then used our car to shuttle back and forth to the canyon . Williams has maney great shops to look through also and also has a great western show on the streets in the early evening . If you like ice cream . make sure you stop at twisters a 1950 style icre cream bar . 

Bryce should not be missed . The views are magnificent and be sure to take the free tour to the far end .  UT-12 , there are so many fantastic sites to see . We spent 4 days in that area and that wasent neer enough .

We spent 5 days at the watchman campground at Zion , a nice park and friendly staff . Zion has some great walking trails even for us oldtimers . The one that left a never ending impression in my mind is the River Walk and walking up the narrows away through the pools in the river . If you take that walk make sure you have a walking stick and shoes sutible for walking in a river bed .
I sure wished I lived in the area as I would be spending many days in this park.

As many above is said I would split Bryce into 2 separate trips .

have a great vacation , Bill
My favorite is Bryce - you've never seen anything like it!  A very unique place.  If you like to hike, there are a couple of really neat trails down among the hoodoos.

Zion is second favorite with lots of good hikes at various levels of difficulty.  We're fortunate to have such beautiful places to enjoy.


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