The future of RVs

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I just reread the entire thread and not one person is trying to sell EVs to anyone. The pro EV crowd is too busy attempting to show that the haters are full of misinformation. The haters insist on telling us that the infrastructure can't handle more charging stations and everyone will be running out of electricity miles from home. Of course the haters don't actually own an EV so they are getting all their misinformation from other haters.
Try watching the news. I believe you are misinformed. Electric infrastructure fails on the west coast every summer and especially this week. I believe in facts not fairy stories. I have been posting links from respectable websites showing actual ratings and tests results, whereas they post their "personal experiences". Which are greatly exaggerated compared to the actual ratings and tests. Same tactics as a used car sales person who tells you a F450 will make 30 mpg on the highway. Maybe with a 30 mph tail wind and downhill all the way. I am not an EV hater. I would own one if I lived in an urban area. But for many people like myself they would be a royal pain.
I watch the news every day. If you don't want to buy an EV then why do you want to post things to try to convince people that EVs are a failure? You must have some kind of financial reason to hate EVs so much. Do you own a lot of stock in Chevron?
A parallel exits over in Europe. Gas prices are very high. So, many over there have two vehicles (who can afford it) ... one little high gas efficiency (usually crappy) car to buzz around town. When it’s time for a road trip, they roll out the larger, more comfortable, less gas efficient (faster too) Mercedes. You can have a similar trade off between internal combustion and electric. I could see a motor home (gas/dp) towing an EV. Hey, it could happen! ;)
I lived in Cambridge, England from 2010-2015 and did not find what you are saying to be the case. Folks I knew used their vehicles for short trips. Other longer trips they either took the train or flew. When we would go to Scotland, Wales or Belgium our British friends would ask us why we were driving. I told them in the states folks might drive two hours just to go out to dinner.
I watch the news every day. If you don't want to buy an EV then why do you want to post things to try to convince people that EVs are a failure? You must have some kind of financial reason to hate EVs so much. Do you own a lot of stock in Chevron?
There is a difference between propaganda, where attempts are made that everyone must believe and pass along attaboys ] and legitimate discussion of a variety of peoples experiences no matter the topic on this venue. The attempt to brow beat people with non-secular comments means your mind is made up and the views from people outside of the EV circle of metropolitan areas means nothing. There are more limitations on the EVs than there are for ICE vehicles. And the cost for a simple EV sedan runs in many cases double the cost to purchase the your average mainstream four door sedan from the major manufacturers. That totally restricts the purchasing power for your plain clothes working class folks outside in the real world.
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And the cost for a simple EV sedan runs in many cases double the cost to purchase the your average mainstream four door sedan from the major manufacturers. That totally restricts the purchasing power for your plain clothes working class folks outside in the real world.
It’s a bit odd you would say this on a forum where many members purchase tow vehicles in the $50,000-$70,000 range and trailers costing at least that much. Not to mention those with $100,000 class B’s and other MH’s costing upwards of half a million dollars. Now, not all members here are paying that kind of money but how many times has it been posted here than RVing is an expensive lifestyle. EV prices will come down. I remember when VCR’s were $500. Now you can get a DVD player for $29.
So don't avoid my question or i will keep asking it. What is your financial attachment to trying to make sure EVs don't happen? My mind was made up in the 70s when I was an electrician. I want to see the entire world use free electricity to power every thing from cars to houses to factories.
There is a difference between propaganda, where attempts are made that everyone must believe and pass along attaboys ] and legitimate discussion of a variety of peoples experiences no matter the topic on this venue. The attempt to brow beat people with non-secular comments means your mind is made up and the views from people outside of the EV circle of metropolitan areas means nothing. There are more limitations on the EVs than there are for ICE vehicles. And the cost for a simple EV sedan runs in many cases double the cost to purchase the your average mainstream four door sedan from the major manufacturers. That totally restricts the purchasing power for your plain clothes working class folks outside in the real world.
I don’t know. An equivalent premium high performance gas sedan or SUV is at least as much as a premium high performance EV sedan or SUV. Probably more.

The model Y and and model 3 are consistently one of the best selling premium sedans in the world. Not EV sedans or SUV’s, just sedans and SUV’s.

Waiting lists are getting longer for them, not shorter. And that’s with continued quarter over quarter production growth. 3 to 8 mo RV’s now for some models. People want them.

I personally haven’t experienced any “limitations”. Can’t speak for others. It does pretty much everything better and with more convenience.

All the talk of how bad the technology is reminded of the US Space program in the early sixties.
I remember watching all those failed launches and hearing the comments abut how bad our rockets were. But then all the failures were just "learning opportunities for the Engineers, and by mid 60's we had them working pretty well.
So as long as they keep working on the stuff, it will come to fruition some day.
And i claim to be the most beautiful and richest man in the world - anyone can claim anything. Prove it.
Fact is the only reason Tesla is still around is because they sell the mileage credits to companies whose cars dont meet mpg standards over the course of the year. Tesla as car company looses 2-3 million dollars a year. Elon Musk will go down in history as one of the worlds greatest con men. And good for him hes done well lol

I don't see it after all Space X which he started and has done really really well bet NASA at there own game.
I don't see it after all Space X which he started and has done really really well bet NASA at there own game.
any fool can beat up on Nasa its a government agency that spends millions on a toilet Musk did not invent the Tesla he bought into it and turned it into the machine it is - i for one think hes brilliant - but a con man at the right place at the right time and NOBODY including me can argue his BILLIONS lol
So don't avoid my question or i will keep asking it. What is your financial attachment to trying to make sure EVs don't happen? My mind was made up in the 70s when I was an electrician. I want to see the entire world use free electricity to power every thing from cars to houses to factories.
"free" electricity? Where do we live that anything is, or ever will be, "free". I guess "free" would have to be defined.
"free" electricity? Where do we live that anything is, or ever will be, "free". I guess "free" would have to be defined.
It means not hooking up to the power grid and not having an electric bill. Yes it will cost money to get hooked up but will pay it's way soon.
It’s a bit odd you would say this on a forum where many members purchase tow vehicles in the $50,000-$70,000 range and trailers costing at least that much. Not to mention those with $100,000 class B’s and other MH’s costing upwards of half a million dollars. Now, not all members here are paying that kind of money but how many times has it been posted here than RVing is an expensive lifestyle. EV prices will come down. I remember when VCR’s were $500. Now you can get a DVD player for $29.
And how many current EVs can do the job of towing the majority of the TTs thats spoken about here? We are not talking about tow vehicles. And a bulk of the people with those types of vehicles use their ICE 70 grand vehicles when not towing for a main vehicle, where those EV sedans will never work. Sure people spend tons of money on DP and fifth wheels on this forum. And if they choice to buy a Tesla or a like vehicle, thats fine. But there are still restrictions of use when leaving the major metropolitan areas.
But what does that have to do with cheap shots and insults towards anyone that raises issues and some exceptions that does not fit the use of EVs on discussions of EVs across a larger group of the country here?

I have known people that have 70 grand ICE vehicles as toad vehicles. But thats their choice for whatever reason but surely not necessary for quick trips to go to the grocery store or a local event away from their campsites.. I am sure there are DP owners on this very forum that have not bitten the bullet and spent the money to purchase an EV for their TOAD, but are not vocal in these discussions too.

By the way I have a close friend thats in line to purchase a Safari Condo from the Canadian builder and is looking at the new EV truck to tow it with. There are Telsa owners towing a simular unit, where weight is minimized in those units. But they do not have any plans to cross the country with the package. They have studied their limitations and have chosen to accept it.
I watch the news every day. If you don't want to buy an EV then why do you want to post things to try to convince people that EVs are a failure? You must have some kind of financial reason to hate EVs so much. Do you own a lot of stock in Chevron?
Are you having trouble reading my posts or comprehending what I say? I clearly said if I lived in an urban area I would own one. I have nothing against EV for people whose life style and physical location makes it practical. Why can't you understand why they are not practical for someone else?
Are you saying new ones getting over 300 mile per charge can't work in your area just wondering?
Have you not been following the posts on EVs? It's not JUST how far on a charge, but it's also the configuration of the vehicle for the intended purpose and how tough it is to find charging stations in the places you go. NOT EVERYWHERE has charging stations placed for EVERYONE's needs.

This is aimed at lots of folks:

I am sure there are DP owners on this very forum that have not bitten the bullet and spent the money to purchase an EV for their TOAD, but are not vocal in these discussions too.

You've got that right. How many EVs can roam the Jeep trails in Arizona, Utah and other places at all, let alone with an adequate range plus reserve for areas where you can't get charged up and can't even get phone service?

Personally, an EV would work PART of the time for us, and would NOT work part of the time for us. Charging stations are NOT as ubiquitous as gas stations, though there seem to be SOME areas where they are fairly dense. But not all of us travel those areas exclusively, and we certainly will not buy a vehicle that won't meet ALL of our needs for that vehicle.

In other words, different folks have different needs, different driving patterns, and even if they live an an area that has adequate charging, that doesn't mean that they are always driving in that area -- some of us range far afield such that though they may be in an area with an adequate supply of chargers, they aren't ALWAYS in such an area.

And note that some of us have vehicles that are 12-20 years old, doing an adequate job for us, and are not planning to replace those vehicles any time soon (if ever -- we're OLD). We COULD replace DW's 2002 Mercury with an EV, but it's only got just over 60,000 miles on it and has been paid for for many years, is roomy and comfortable when we need (once in a while) to take other folks along with us, such as kids and grandkids, plus license plates are cheap and DW is used to it and doesn't want to change at this point.

There are MANY reasons for people not being ready to follow the latest fads, trends, whatever you want to call them. That does NOT mean that we are against other people having EVs -- to the contrary, it's great for some people, even if some of the claims of ecology and/or economy seem rather exaggerated to us. We DON'T have to agree with every claim that some people make in order to be at least tolerant of others getting such units, any more than I'd feel that someone in, say New York City, who doesn't even own a car should get an ICE vehicle just because it fits my needs.

I think some people aren't actually reading some posts completely, or are misunderstanding what they read.
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Have you not been following the posts on EVs? It's not JUST how far on a charge, but it's also the configuration of the vehicle for the intended purpose and how tough it is to find charging stations in the places you go. NOT EVERYWHERE has charging stations placed for EVERYONE's needs.

This is aimed at lots of folks:

You've got that right. How many EVs can roam the Jeep trails in Arizona, Utah and other places at all, let alone with an adequate range plus reserve for areas where you can't get charged up and can't even get phone service?

Personally, an EV would work PART of the time for us, and would NOT work part of the time for us. Charging stations are NOT as ubiquitous as gas stations, though there seem to be SOME areas where they are fairly dense. But not all of us travel those areas exclusively, and we certainly will not buy a vehicle that won't meet ALL of our needs for that vehicle.

In other words, different folks have different needs, different driving patterns, and even if they live an an area that has adequate charging, that doesn't mean that they are always driving in that area -- some of us range far afield such that though they may be in an area with an adequate supply of chargers, they aren't ALWAYS in such an area.

And note that some of us have vehicles that are 12-20 years old, doing an adequate job for us, and are not planning to replace those vehicles any time soon (if ever -- we're OLD). We COULD replace DW's 2002 Mercury with an EV, but it's only got just over 60,000 miles on it and has been paid for for many years, is roomy and comfortable when we need (once in a while) to take other folks along with us, such as kids and grandkids, plus license plates are cheap and DW is used to it and doesn't want to change at this point.

There are MANY reasons for people not being ready to follow the latest fads, trends, whatever you want to call them. That does NOT mean that we are against other people having EVs -- to the contrary, it's great for some people, even if some of the claims of ecology and/or economy seem rather exaggerated to us. We DON'T have to agree with every claim that some people make in order to be at least tolerant of others getting such units, any more than I'd feel that someone in, say New York City, who doesn't even own a car should get an ICE vehicle just because it fits my needs.

I think some people aren't actually reading some posts completely, or are misunderstanding what they read.
This is partly experience and partly a guess. But I’m thinking something like an electric Jeep would probably have 50 to 75 percent more range off road than on. EV’s get much better range at slow speed. I know we can easily exceed the EPA rating of 568 kilometres of our car if we are just chortling up and down our little valley at 60 kmh. Speed limits are slow here. I suspect if we were doing trail speeds of 30 kmh our car would probably get more than 700 or 800 kmh of range.

Just a guess. Don’t really know.

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