Today in OPCNM, AZ--the hikes and views

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2005
Auburn, CA or Reno, NV
My bike charging as I go for a hike on the Desert View Trail:


View of the Twin Peak Campground from the trail:

A few more photos taken on the trail:


Organ pipes all the way to the top of the hill:



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Beautiful! Looks like a fun hike.

Yeah, that species of cactus is not something you want to snuggle or even come in contact with!!
Yeah, that species of cactus is not something you want to snuggle or even come in contact with!!
How did you know about the Teddy Bear Cactus up there in Maryland? Have you been down to the deserts?

BTW, I edited that first message again. Still messed up. But good enough, I guess. I made the mistake of not leaving well enough alone--again!

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How did you know about the Teddy Bear Cactus up there in Maryland? Have you been down to the deserts?

BTW, I edited that first message again. Still messed up. But good enough, I guess. I made the mistake of no leaving well enough alone--again!


Home isn't Maryland ;) Home is Washington State. And...we are down in Southern CA right now and I have been to the deserts and AZ before...haha!
Home isn't Maryland ;) Home is Washington State. And...we are down in Southern CA right now and I have been to the deserts and AZ before...haha!
Somehow, I was thinking I was replying to Ziplock who is in Maryland.

Did you learn about the Teddy Bear Cactus the hard way, as some people do?

Especially in Josuha Tree Nat'l Park where they have a field of them people can hike in--who don't bother to read the sign!

I saw nobody in the middle of that hike, but several people at each end, the last quarter mile or so. I think only a few do the entire 1.5 miles and that is the shortest hike outside the park perimeter trail. But the best part of the hike is in the middle where up a bit higher.

It's a very easy hike. Starts by the group camp here.

Thanks for the pictures and the hike idea. We’ll be there the beginning of March.
Please inform...jumping needles?
If there is enough wind. Just don't touch or get too close to them and all should be fine.

See here.

"These stems are often carried for some distance by sticking to the fur or skin of animals and are especially painful to remove.[4] When a piece of this cholla sticks to an animal or person, a good method to remove the cactus is with a hair comb. The spines have microscopic barbs and hold on tightly. Often small stands of these chollas form, most of which are largely clones of the same individual."

Please inform...jumping needles?
The cholla cactus have been nicknamed "jumping cholla" for at least a couple of centuries, since it takes so little pressure to get a needle stuck in you that you don't realized you've touched it, and many think it is as if it just jumped to you.

I hadn't head the "teddy bear" nickname before, but there are many areas of the desert where cholla is common, and some areas where it is rather dense. Don's Wikipedia link above gives a good overview of the plants.
We distinguish teddy bear chollas from chain chollas by just how durn cute the teddy bears are! The chain chollas still reach out to grab you though. We had both types in the cactus garden in front of our house in Albuquerque.

I missed this thread before.

Gee that one pic has an open hole not roped off?

Don't hike there at night, or you'll fall in.
I missed this thread before.

Gee that one pic has an open hole not roped off?

Don't hike there at night, or you'll fall in.
That hole is only a few feet deep.

I never hike that far at night. Perhaps a half mile at the most after dark. Perhaps a mile here on the perimeter trail, as that it an easy hike. Here they have a trail that goes around the RV park. Cannot get lost or anything. But I always bring my GPS anyway and a couple of flashlights. I plan on doing that night hike tonight as soon as it gets dark here.

I have been out on the road for almost three months so I decided I will rush home from here. Perhaps no more long stops on the way back to Auburn.

I just cleaned off my camera. Have my bike back up on the ramp. Now to see if the camera is looks better:



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