State-by-State Gun Laws

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Can't the same thing be said about the 1A? Was there Facebook, Twitter, and such when that was written?

I don't feel I should be stripped based on what some crazed maniac does. Not sure why that is so hard to grasp?

Exactly - now you know how the rest of us feel who have to live with crazed maniacs feel. A crazed maniac with a legal right to own a gun does not make anyone safer.
Exactly - now you know how the rest of us feel who have to live with crazed maniacs feel. A crazed maniac with a legal right to own a gun does not make anyone safer.
No disagreement. Now please tell me how taking away the legal right for law abiding citizens that are not crazed maniacs to legally own a gun or a certain type of gun make anybody safer?
It appears you didn't finish your thought/sentence. "...only males between 17 and 45 and women that are members of the National Guard." are what? Allowed to possess weapons/firearms? If that is your point, again I will say that 10 U.S. Code § 246 is not part of the Bill of Rights. It is simply the federal definition of the militia(s) has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment.
No matter how it’s explained, you ain’t getting it. I give up.
Can't the same thing be said about the 1A? Was there Facebook, Twitter, and such when that was written?
The 1st Amendment is there to protect folks from retribution when speaking out against government. You have a right to say anything want about or against a person, business or corporation but you might end up in court defending what you said. You could lose…to the tune of $450,000,000.
No disagreement. Now please tell me how taking away the legal right for law abiding citizens that are not crazed maniacs to legally own a gun or a certain type of gun make anybody safer?

Well, Babe, you know I'm data-driven. I'd say a lot of places outside the US where you can't buy a semi-automatic weapon at a grocery store provide the data on increased safety from gun violence, don't you?
Give it up guys, if they don't get it, they never will. It's the same with anything that goes against what the politicians and news media tells them, the indoctrination is too hard to escape for the vast majority of the population.
Give it up guys, if they don't get it, they never will. It's the same with anything that goes against what the politicians and news media tells them, the indoctrination is too hard to escape for the vast majority of the population.

It's a difference in values, not a lack of understanding. Describing those who disagree with your views as indoctrinated is juvenile. Not helpful.
The big problem with mass shootings is copycat crime. The first Amendment was written well before TV and radio, so they shouldn't have the "freedom of the press." Right?

"The 1999 Columbine High School massacre inspired numerous copycat crimes,"

A semi-automatic assault rifle is, actually, a weapon designed to murder.
If so, how come they do such a poor job of it? How many people were murdered today by the 20-million plus "semi-automatic assault rifles?

How many by all rifles combined? Let's compare here.

We need more knife control laws, if anything. As in countless other countries.

-Don- Reno, NV
That is an oxymoronic statement. No such thing in the USA, not anywhere AFAIK. A "crazed maniac" cannot legally buy or use guns.

-Don- Reno, NV

Do you really want to argue that, Don, or are you arguing that the owners of weapons purchased and own prior to being used by their legal owners in mass shootings weren't "crazed maniacs" up until the point they open fire on innocent people? Asking for a bunch of innocent dead people...
The big problem with mass shootings is copycat crime. The first Amendment was written well before TV and radio, so they shouldn't have the "freedom of the press." Right?

"The 1999 Columbine High School massacre inspired numerous copycat crimes,"

If so, how come they do such a poor job of it? How many people were murdered today by the 20-million plus "semi-automatic assault rifles?

How many by all rifles combined? Let's compare here.

We need more knife control laws, if anything. As in countless other countries.

-Don- Reno, NV
That is an oxymoronic statement. No such thing in the USA, not anywhere AFAIK. A "crazed maniac" cannot legally buy or use guns.

-Don- Reno, NV
I believe there is an estimated 400M legal firearms in civilian possession in the US. There is also an estimated 10 - 12 BILLION rounds of ammunition purchased annually by Americans. If legal gun owners were really a problem, everyone would know it because it wouldn't just be some random nut-job popping off rounds in the local mall. There would literally be - as the media so prefers to phrase it - blood in the streets. If you've seen the movie The Purge, that ain't even close to what would happen. You know, if legal gun owners were the real problem.
Do you really want to argue that,
Sure, you should know I would debate just about anything, after I debated about hot coffee here for about three months non-stop :).

All the way to the Florida Everglades and back to CA and then some.

So the correct question should be are YOU sure?:D

Asking for a bunch of innocent dead people...
If you have a way to make 400 million guns disappear, I will listen. But do the same with booze because the misuse of booze kills three times as many people as all of our misuse of all guns combined. 178,000 every year die from booze.

Then we have the illegal street drug problem. And because of that, countless other crimes.

93,000 just from drug overdoses alone.

Are you also going to speak for the 250,000 "innocent dead people" who die from medical malpractice every year?

Do you own searches and see if my numbers are correct. I want you to be sure by your own research.

-Don- Reno, NV
I believe there is an estimated 400M legal firearms in civilian possession in the US. There is also an estimated 10 - 12 BILLION rounds of ammunition purchased annually by Americans. If legal gun owners were really a problem, everyone would know it because it wouldn't just be some random nut-job popping off rounds in the local mall. There would literally be - as the media so prefers to phrase it - blood in the streets. If you've seen the movie The Purge, that ain't even close to what would happen. You know, if legal gun owners were the real problem.

I don’t think most reasonable people are arguing to take guns away from conscientious gun owners. I’m not arguing that. As I said before, 2A lacks modern context and no, I don’t think it means anyone can own or carry any gun. And current “legal ownership” is such a low bar that it allows people who really should not own guns, to own/purchase/carry. The bar needs to be higher for a lot of reasons.

I do think the gravest danger to existing 2A rights are people who belittle and deny there are serious problems with guns (and gun culture) in America, who resist all attempts to create framework for increased gun safety. It’s actually this particular sect of “responsible gun owners” who are screwing it up, right behind the actual people behaving irresponsibly. It’s also why we have such a hellscape of legalese between states regarding guns.


I hated the beginning but then loved the rest of the first 3 movies. Have not seen the 4th but it’s on the list. And I don’t like violent movies in general but I enjoyed this series.
Sure, you should know I would debate just about anything, after I debated about hot coffee here for about three months non-stop :).

All the way to the Florida Everglades and back to CA and then some.

So the correct question should be are YOU sure?:D

If you have a way to make 400 million guns disappear, I will listen. But do the same with booze because the misuse of booze kills three times as many people as all of our misuse of all guns combined. 178,000 every year die from booze.

Then we have the illegal street drug problem. And because of that, countless other crimes.

93,000 just from drug overdoses alone.

Are you also going to speak for the 250,000 "innocent dead people" who die from medical malpractice every year?

Do you own searches and see if my numbers are correct. I want you to be sure by your own research.

-Don- Reno, NV

This is the relativism and whataboutism I referenced above. Reads like it came out of NRA propaganda ;)
, I don’t think it means anyone can own or carry any gun.
And that is the problem. Make all guns illegal and as many people who want guns will find a way to get them. Just as with street drugs.

Guns and ammo have even been made in prisons:

You did use the word "can". Did you mean "may"? Ever purchase a new gun to see the type of BS you need to go through there in WA state?

While anybody can own a gun, not everybody may own or carry a gun. Far from it.
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