09 Tour 40TD Electrical Gremlin

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Boris and Natasha

Well-known member
Feb 22, 2009
Fortunately, we haven?t had to tap this amazing resource for years. But, we?re back!

Saturday, while connected to shore power, we lost power to all inverted outlets. We are not electrically inclined, so we had a mobile tech check things out. He could not find the source of the problem. Plan B is he is calling Forest City today. (Our plan C is to check in with y?all!)

Yesterday, we tried to assess the situation best we could. The Dimensions inverter/charger/transfer appears to be charging the batteries. The display appears normal - no warning messages - but there is no power from the inverter when we disconnect from shore power. Also, those same outlets are dark when we fire up the generator.

Thanks in advance for sharing your wisdom.

edit by staff - changed message icon to topic solved
I recently blew a fuse between battery bank & inverter resulting in no power to any outlets/devices connected to the inverter. The fuse is mounted near the house battery bank.
If you are still using the original Dimensions inverter that the coach came with a Magnum True Sine 2800w fits nicely in that space with minimum fuss should you find your inverter is pooched.
Thanks for that info! I think we?ve spotted the fuse.
(Did I mention we?re not electronically inclined? ?)
We will check it out. Was it easy to find a replacement?
??crossed that the fix is that simple. But, it is the original inverter, so...
Good to know a good replacement option.
You don't say what inverter you have. So here's a guess. Look on your inverter for a a GFCI and reset it by pushing the reset button. I have had the same symptoms and fixed it by doing this.
That fuse is high amperage in-line with the very large gauge +12V red cable to the Dimensions. It is not an easy to access or replace fuse like others you might be familiar with. I think it's rated at 150 amps, it would take a mega short (or a physical issue with the fuse itself) to blow it. If your house batteries are indeed being charged from the Dimensions (battery voltage at or above 13V), then the fuse is okay.

I don't recall if that Dimensions has circuit breakers for the inverted AC output on the box itself. You will have an electrical sub-panel for all of the AC circuits that are inverter powered. That panel should be very close or next to your primary AC breaker box. Ours are located at the foot of the bed.

Have you checked your Dimensions control panel for status?
We do have a ?sub main? panel with breaker switches to all inverter outlets.
They all look fine. The mobile tech checked power going into and out of the main panel and sub main and said it looked good.

The Dimensions LED display appears normal. CHGR-FLOAT MODE. and INVERTER OFF-PUSH FOR STANDBY.
We disconnected from shore power, turned on the Inverter. We heard the familiar buzz/hum and the display indicated the inverter was on, but drawing 0 power. No other messages on the display.

Our mobile tech claims he talked with Winnebago this morning and he is on his way. ??
We are eager for this mystery to be solved...

UPDATE: Our electrical gremlin was a short in the AC output in the inverter. A wire had rubbed against the back panel of the inverted and melted connectors and wires. Our tech cut out the mess and made clean connections. The ol? Dimensions inverter/charger/fast transfer has been revived!

Thanks y?all for your help!
Boris and Natasha said:
UPDATE: Our electrical gremlin was a short in the AC output in the inverter. A wire had rubbed against the back panel of the inverted and melted connectors and wires. Our tech cut out the mess and made clean connections. The ol? Dimensions inverter/charger/fast transfer has been revived!

Thanks y?all for your help!
Was the problem inside the inverter or outside (i.e., Dimensions or Winnebago)?
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