12v problems

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New member
Apr 15, 2019
I have a 2008 cedar creek 5th wheel. The problem I'm having is hurting my head. On the 12v battery nothing works. The only thing I can get to work is the slides, and electric Jack's when its plugged into the truck, without truck plugged in they dont work. Outside lights like the taillights and signals all work perfect. No lights inside. No fridge. Nothing..  I plug into shore power and everything 220 turns on. I.e microwave and television. But nothing that should be 12v. Yes the battery is charged and making good contact. Any help would be much appreciated in what direction I should be looking ? thank you
1st you don't have 220. 240 is delivered to you main breaker only IF you have a 50 amp service. You cannot access 240 volts in your trailer. it is just at the main breaker. The trailer operates on 120 volts to appliances and outlets. 12 volts for lighting and control circuits for the appliances. Your slides and landing gear have  resettable fuses hidden close to the battery. If you have worked on your battery recently you my have blown the two 30 amp reverse polarity fuses in the converter.
Turn on the salesman switch.
Also check and reset the resettable breakers inside the left front door where the battery usually is placed.  This is also where the hydraulic slide motor resides.
Sold my CC last spring after 12 years of happy ownership.  If you need more information send me a PM
Hopefully you did not plug into 220VAC and blow everything!
No I'm sorry 220 made me sound stupid lol. I meant 110. But thanks for the advice! I'll start with those fuses. I did put a new battery in. Maybe I did cross em. I checked the only 1 fuse right at battery. It was fine and then couldn't see anymore
And I did just buy it used. Have never heard of a salesman switch I'll have to look that up! Thanks
Welcome to the RV Forum Dallas454

Sounds like you got some good suggestions to get started.

The fuses in the breaker panel will have the rev polarity  fuses

Please let us know what you find
"Salesman switch" is a slang term for the battery disconnect switch, usually located by the entry door.

It sounds as though either the disconnect switch is in the Off position or the reversed cable hook-up fuses on the converter charger are blown (as a result of shorted or reversed battery cables). Either of those would have your symptoms, and so would an blown inline fuse on the positive battery cable (if there is one).  The reversed hook-up fuses are a pair of fuses, typically 30A-40A, and sometimes located on the back of the converter/charger.
Dallas454 said:
And I did just buy it used. Have never heard of a salesman switch I'll have to look that up! Thanks

Truth be known there is no such thing as a salesman switch. It's a nickname the RV world has given to the Battery disconnect switch. Not all 5ers have them. It's inside near the door if you do have one.
Gizmo100 said:
Welcome to the RV Forum Dallas454

Sounds like you got some good suggestions to get started.

The fuses in the breaker panel will have the rev polarity  fuses

Please let us know what you find

Look for the RP fuses on the converter with all the other 12 volt fuses. Most likely two 30 amp side by side.
Dallas454 said:
No I'm sorry 220 made me sound stupid lol. I meant 110. But thanks for the advice! I'll start with those fuses. I did put a new battery in. Maybe I did cross em. I checked the only 1 fuse right at battery. It was fine and then couldn't see anymore

No, no NO!  What I referred to was resettwble circuit breakers.  These are small, maybe the size of a TicTwc box only shorter  on the bottom sidemof then there is a really tiny button.  Push them up

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