1st timer here

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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Jul 21, 2018
My wife (Beth) and I (Todd) just purchased a RV as a retirement thing and planning on traveling extensively in it once my full retirement from the military takes effect. Have read some of the forums about different questions I had before the purchase and found I don't need to start a new topic since just about anything that could be asked already has with plenty of knowledge to answer the one needing to know. We will be traveling with our two pups to where ever and when ever as we are choosing to have an open book for our destination. Hopefully our paths will cross with some of you and meet in person to swap stories and what not. Cheers  ;)
Welcome to the forum, there is a wealth of information in the Forum Library. What RV did you get? What part of our great country are you in now?
When you retire, here is a web site that will be of help to you.  The military campgrounds I have been in have been nice and priced below nearby civilian parks,
Welcome to retirement.

As a give back you may want to consider volunteering at one of our national Parks/forests.
You are generally given a full hookup site in exchange for some work usually 20 hours a week
Check out  https://www.volunteer.gov/. There are some interesting opportunities if you search for them
I am a non military retiree from the Veterans Administration
My wife did read about that a few weeks ago and something we are considering since we will not have a schedule or a set path to take.
Welcome to the forum Todd. Lots of good info here, and some very knowledgeable folks.  Jump in anytime if you have a question, or just not sure about something, we like helping out.  And don't worry about what you don't know. We were all brand new RV'ers once!  What model Tiffin did you buy?

And BTW thank you for your service. 

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