2001 Ford admiral motorhome

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New member
Aug 31, 2018
Got no power to my dash. Red light is on til I turn the key then nothing. Aux switch will start generator, new battery, started fine then nothing. No power to fuse box for dash side, all house circuits work fine on battery and generator. Any ideas where to start?
You should have two batteries. One for the house and one for the engine. You need to check the engine battery. Take it out and take it to Walmart.
Engine battery is fully charged and will start generator, neither house nor engine batteries will give power to dash chassis switch is on
Then your next step is to find the fuse box. It is usually located under the dash, sometimes under the hood. Remove fuses one at a time and test them with a multi meter. If you don't own a multi meter go to the Walmart auto section and buy a cheap one. It is handy to have in an RV.
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