345 renovation help!

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Oct 5, 2018
Hi!  Just purchased 1985 Airstream 345 and are interested in renovating the bathroom.
It's a mid/split bath.
Looking for any ideas/input for reconfiguration....my husband is 6'3!
Has anyone done anything with a similar layout...?
Realize this is a rather broad question but I am open to hearing any of your thoughts...Feeling a little paralyzed!!!
lynnonthego said:
Hi!  Just purchased 1985 Airstream 345 and are interested in renovating the bathroom.
It's a mid/split bath.
Looking for any ideas/input for reconfiguration....my husband is 6'3!
Has anyone done anything with a similar layout...?
Realize this is a rather broad question but I am open to hearing any of your thoughts...Feeling a little paralyzed!!!

I can't help you with your issue but i just wanted to welcome you to the forum.
"Renovating" covers a lot of territory. What are you trying to  achieve? Is something not working or is it just to get a more modern style or decor?  You mentioned a tall husband - does he need a taller shower or higher toilet seat?  Toilets are easy to replace and higher models are available, but the shower is constrained by the ceiling height unless there is a raised dome above it (fairly common).  Sink bases and sinks are replaceable too and sinks are standard plumbing items, but you probably won't find the size or shape you need in a local store. Shop the plumbing distributors online to find what you need.

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