6 Month plan

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Jan 24, 2015
Hi,  I am new to this forum and learning all things (RV/travel trailer) through people I know and on the internet.

My hope is is 6 months to become a full timer, this will be a change for me as I work full time and live in a regular home. I plan to remain working and can do this a traveling therapist. I do home health care physical therapy but could also work at rehabs, hospitals, ect.

I am currently looking at options of a travel trailer of about 30 feet --however I feel for full time living I want 50 amps versus 30 and this seems difficult to find.
I also will plan on removing the sofa in a unit as this is where I want to set up a sewing area as I quilt for enjoyment.
My one companion is a small dog.

I am looking for any insight or positive advice---realistic is fine but not too many horror stories.

:) thanks to this point of fun and interesting information.
Oh and new to posting on a forum so hope I did this correctly

It sounds like you have done some research on RVs. How does the state licensing work if you travel state to state and work as a therapist? I do not know how rare 50 amp travel trailers are, but 30 amp will run one AC and 2-3 other low load (<5 amps) items. Where you will run into problems is AC and microwave or another 10 amp draw. Have you got a towing vehicle yet?  Run your ideas by the weight police on the forum and then buy something smaller. :)
Thanks for the reply.
I will be living in Texas..so will def need the A/C.
My license does carry over to some other states but many states have gone to national licenses. After working for over 23 years I just don't relish taking another board exam..blech.
I wouldn't say I am a electricity hog but I do like my Coffee maker, heat and and A/C .....I hear so many stories  about tripped breakers. This just doesn't sound fun for day to day living. Oh hot water when bathing is top on my list even if it is a quick shower.
I am really starting to learn the checking of trailer weight  --GVRW --and doing my research here.
I am getting excited to moving towards this goal and have learned so much just by reading many of the forums/post.
Well if you're in Texas, you may check with Texas Health.  They have many hospitals throughout Texas.  A friend of mine works as a Flex nurse, I think she works directly for Texas Health, she may be in Texarkana one day, and Tyler, TX the next.  Then she may work there a few days in a row and then another hospital.  She works in ICU, so I don't know exactly what they need, but when someone calls in, or takes a vacation, she works.  It's a contractor position, in that she gets no benefits, no guarantees, but as of a couple of years ago she was making $75 an hour, double on holidays and weekends.  She can make a nice check just working a couple of days a week, but she tries to stay in a 300 mile radius of home, which limits her income.  She goes to work at the drop of a hat, and they drug test.  So it helps if one is a non-drinker, as if you've been drinking, or under the influence of anything, you miss out on a $600 pay day.
Thanks for the link of Texas Health I will look them up and see if they do traveling therapy rotations. Many times in therapy it will be for 3 month lengths--which I prefer so I am in one area for awhile.

I work full time currently and don't jeopardize my work or license with drinking or drug use...so this will not be a issue.

Texas Health will be a company I will look up--thanks again
First I love that you have a plan.  I have two good friends that are full timing and working as nurses on the road.  It was a bit tougher than they expected to find work initially but once they built up some contacts it got easier.  Best advice have a nice cushion of cash to get started with so if you have a tough time finding work initially its not an emergency. 
Thank you for your response. I am definitely the type who makes plans...maybe a little over board.
I also bookmarked your blog since it has a lot of good info/advice!
And I must say...Who knew sponges are so interesting and beautiful.
Thanks again 

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