7 week Dream Trip Around the Country Coming Up!!!

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camper1b said:
[*]Wife and kids want to do Disneyland on the 4th for the firsworks but I am trying to discourage that

As you can see we are pretty much taking the tourist route for LA.? If you have any suggestions on the above, (like which tour, which studio, etc) that would be great.? If there are other "LA-type" touristy things a family might like, let me know.? Thanks a lot.

Having lived near Disneyland for almost 40 years I would highly discourage your visit to Disneyland on 7/4.? It will be a zoo.? Disneyland offers fireworks every night so go on another day and you will still get to see fireworks.? I loved the Universal Studio tour and they may even have fireworks.? The best? fireworks show in town is the Hollywood Bowl which Carl mentioned for 7/4 but call ASAP for tickets.? Have fun.?

Betty Brewer
Holler if you need help on Mesa Verde and/or Cortez.....We'll be here until June 22 then off to Oregon and home about July 13. 

Wendy, Mike and Sam in Cortez
Hey folks! You must be on the last portion of your trip by now.  The wife and I are taking almost the same trip as yours, although we will start in Oregon and not until next summer. Love to get your impressions and suggestions on some of the key stopping points that we'll have in common with you.

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