8.1 Vortec (W22) spark plug replacement

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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2018
Florence AZ
Okay, I've been searching all over the net for the last hour on this subject and I came up with this.... AC Delco 41-101 for plug replacements. Some say do not gap, others say gap, What does everyone else use and are they factory gapped or will I have to gap them? What do you gap them to?

Plug wires... I come up with this set, but wowser, they're pricey... Ultrapower Magnum plug wires. Do you use these or are there others out there that are suitable? I do not have any issue's with burnt plug wires.
I regap mine to .045 the problem is the factory .060 is somewhat acceptable, but over time the fine tip of these plugs erode and it opens up to a lot more than .060 after 20-30,000 miles.

As to the plug wires, after going through 2 sets of $130 Taylor Extremes, I broke down and bought a set of the Ultra RV Magnum Xtreme plug wires last year, so far so good on those
I currently have no issue's with the current plug wires that are installed, should I leave them alone for now or replace while I'm doing the plugs? What would you do?
Having gone through 2 sets of $100+Taylor  spark plug wires in under 12,000 miles I would bite the bullet and buy the good ones from Ultra-RV products, then keep these working ones in case you need an emergency spare.  The first one of my second set of wires burned out in the middle of nowhere Kansas, thankfully I still had 3 good ones from my first set and was able to let the engine cool down over night, change it out the next morning and be on my way.

p.s. you may not know you have problems with the plug wires until you try to pull them off the plugs just to find the ends are burned most of the way through.
Isaac-1 said:
p.s. you may not know you have problems with the plug wires until you try to pull them off the plugs just to find the ends are burned most of the way through.

This was in the back of my mind as I was typing my last response! lol. I guess I'll bite the bullet and get them. Thanks for your input.
Just finished changing the plugs, easy peasy.... way easier than I expected! Replaced what appeared to be the originals, 50k miles on unit. 6 out of 8 plug wires broke, so now I have to purchase the plug wires as I was hoping to be able to get away with using the original ones, but, no go. I used, as recommended, AC Delco #41-101 plugs.
Apparently easier than on my Dodge Durango. Had to pull a lot of stuff off the engine and reach back in the dark for the last plug on each side. Guess I should trade it in for a motor home.  ::)
IBTripping said:
Apparently easier than on my Dodge Durango. Had to pull a lot of stuff off the engine and reach back in the dark for the last plug on each side. Guess I should trade it in for a motor home.  ::)

LOL, I too have a Dodge Ram with a 5.7 hemi, I WON"T change them, I'll pay for that service.
Arch Hoagland said:
chopshop...are the new wires in and everything running OK?

Running like a champ! Glad I did it when I did... My friends diesel will be in the shop while I'll be heading out this weekend camping! lol.
Utclmjmpr said:
Changing oil in a diesel is no more difficult than a Gasser.>>>D

And installing new injectors is a small task as well. I appreciate your input on the diesel vs. gas engine, but for what I use the MH for, a gasser makes perfect sense. Maybe one day I'll advance to a DP, but highly doubtful.

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