A Fond Farewell & Barth For Sale

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Anne Dorough

Mar 3, 2005
Pie Town, NM
Due to some health issues that Jimmy ran into this summer, we have decided that we must bid a fond farewell to the open road, but not, we hope to all our friends on the RV Forum.  With this in mind, we have posted the Barth up for sale on a web page at www.annedorough.net.  This has been a difficult decision for us.  The Barth and the open road have been home to us for over 7 years.

Please pass this on the anyone you think might be interested.

Anne & Jim
Sorry to hear you had to make a tough decision.  We wish you well in this new phase of your lives.
Anne Dorough said:
Due to some health issues that Jimmy ran into this summer, we have decided that we must bid a fond farewell to the open road, but not, we hope to all our friends on the RV Forum.? With this in mind, we have posted the Barth up for sale on a web page at www.annedorough.net.? This has been a difficult decision for us.? The Barth and the open road have been home to us for over 7 years.

Anne & Jimmy,

We remember y'all fondly from the First Centermodt Rally, our vist together in Charlotte NC at Shady Acres and many evenings at the Virtual Campfire. You've been missed.

In addition to now being on my prayer list, drop in here and talk with your frmaily and stopy by any Wed at the the Campfire. The framly was great in support of me following my heart attack and will be behind you and Jimmy as well.

Hugs from Bev & Bob+!
Anne & Jimmy,

Sorry to hear you will be selling the Barth and changing your lifestyle.  Sometimes these things just can't be helped.  Please continue to come hear and let us know how you are doing.  We think of you often.  Hope all goes well with Jimmy and you.

Hi Anne & Jimmy,

Really sorry to hear you are selling the Barth. Please keep in touch with all your forum framily! Hope Jimmy is OK and we'll try to see you next time we're out west.


Sorry to hear about Jimmy's ill health and the decision to leave the RVing lifestyle. The Barth will be a good coach for somebody.
Anne & Jim,

Ardra and I will miss you two.  Best of luck and we'll still look for you on the forum.

Jerry & Ardra
Anne & Jim,

We were thinking about you both last month as we were having pie and coffee in Pie Town.

We are sorry to hear about Jimmy's health issues. Hope you will keep in touch.

ken & sheila
Ken & Sheila,

It is a wonder that we didn't run into you.  We were at the ranch for 2 whole wonderful weeks during September.

I think I need to set some minds to rest.  Jimmy is perfectly healthy except that he can't see.  Since he only had the use of one eye, when the retina detached in his good eye it was a major problem.

We were in Pie Town over Memorial Day when it happened.  I drove him back to Tucson for emergency surgery.  They reattach the retina, then two months later they had to remove a cataract.  Two weeks after that the retina detached again.  Now his eye is full of silicone oil to keep the retina from detaching.  After all that his vision is only 20/400 and progress is very slow.

Our plan now is to sell the Barth and then build a cabin in Pie Town.  We love it up there!

Anne & Jim
Anne and Jim;  Very sorry to hear of the eye problems.  In todays world - am sure there is a fix for the eye.  I expect Jim it is going to be tough not watching all the pretty girls that live in todays age.  Not saying that the ones of our generation are not still beautiful but ...

Am sure Daisy and I will get up that way soon.  Laying low in Sierra Vista saving fuel money for QZ and next summer.

Best to you both.
Howdy, Annie and Jimmy.
We are sorry to hear about Jimmy's eye problems and also sorry that you have to sell your beautiful Barth.  :(  :(

Hope that you have a quick sale so you can build that cabin.  :)  :)

Here's wishing y'all the very best,
Jack and Liz

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