A REAL Memorial Day in Albuquerque -A Must Read

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Bob Maxwell

Moderator Emeritus
Feb 1, 2005
Holbrook, Arizona
I watched the tv yesterday after our parede in Belen to see the new Veteran's Visitor Center in Albuquerque. I's been recently remodeled and expanded by 300%.  It looks both respectful and comfortable.

For me, the real story was never shown on TV.

After the parade by the Color Guard, the band and vets, the band played the National Anthem and then a bugler played taps as a wreath was laid at the central monument. That's all the TV statios showed.

What came next was the real Memorial Day for me. . .

I paraphrase from the Albuquerque Journal, Tues. morning, 5/31/2005.

Followig the playing of taps, slowly the flag pole flying the American flag started to fall slowlyly to the ground. A veteran in the crownd dropped his camera and rushed to catch the flag before it touched.  He worked his way back to the pole cradeling the flag in his arms . He raisedthe stafft and then knelt down to try to fix it at its base. He couldnt. So, he came to attention, one arm supporting the flag,

One by one, in dress uniform, in nice civilian sportsware, in ragge clothes seen only on the street, in motorcycle leathers, they came out of the crowd through the speaches by the dignitaries, saluted the flag and relieved the person holding up that pole. One came forward using a walker. . . They came one by one until the event was over and the maintence men fixed it.

And that my fellow Americans is the true spirit of the veteran. Never Forget!
What an incredible story, and what incredible timing.  Too bad the media didn't see the real story.
Bob Maxwell said:

One by one, in dress uniform, in nice civilian sportsware, in ragge clothes seen only on the street, in motorcycle leathers, they came out of the crowd through the speaches by the dignitaries, saluted the flag and relieved the person holding up that pole. One came forward using a walker. . . They came one by one until the event was over and the maintence men fixed it.

And that my fellow Americans is the true spirit of the veteran. Never Forget!

Thank you for sharing that story.  I'm convinced people are good and they  just  look for a way they can make a difference.  What a way to make a statement.  I have the chills.

That is the spirit that makes this country great. It's a damned shame our government and the media do not reflect it.


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