A revamped speed test for up and download speeds

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I like it.  Thanks!

1,600 Down, 220 Up.

My DSL service from AT&T is throttled to be 1,500 down and 256 up, so that's what's driving my numbers...
carson said:
Courtesy of Road Runner. click here

I'm not sure what it's actually testing or where it's routing to but I got 5064 Down and 2253 Up from Salt Lake City.

Nice test and in complete agreement with testmy.net that I have used for quite awhile.

1016 Down and 286 Up.

On Testmy.net:

Charter Cable modem.
Download speed seem about right but it gives upload speeds over 256kbps which is impossible for a HughesNet satellite connection on the consumer or pro plans.
Just for grins I tried four different ones.

2461 kbps down 449 kbps up

1764 Kbps down  215 kbps up

Cox Las Vegas
2005 kbps  down 290 kbps Up

2472 kbps down 491 kbps up

Verizon 720 aircard - Broadband Rev A area (RV park in Utica, Il)

You can't rely on a single test, run the same test 4 or 5 times and average the results.  And if the results of a test site seem to be out of line with your specified service, it's probably not reliable.  There are so many factors that affect the speed of an internet connection that getting any consistent, reliable, measurements is almost impossible.  And speed tests are not representative of typical user activity, like email and web browsing, so the numbers are of little practical value other than to see if you're getting something close to what you're paying for.  Close is within an order of magnitude :)

I may not have put down the right upload speed last night. Ran the test several times this morning:


Down  1018
Up      182

TWC  1015
UP     198
Those look more realistic.  testmy.net has proved over time to be a good measure of HughesNet speeds, but the new HughesNet test is also a big improvement over the previous version.  The RR test gave me upload speeds like 276kbps which is impossible on a 256k transponder shared with up to 100 others.

Upload:  4.3 Mbps

Down:  17.7 Mbps

Setting  at the house, wireless,  with Verizon Fiber.
Per their ads suppose  to be  5 up,  20 down.
Close enough for me.

Here are the results for Comcast cable:


Down:  20.43M
Up:        4.3M


Down:   20.05M
Up:         3.41M

I'll retest later from my VZ air card.
Wow, must be nice to own a Cray computer system, Tom.

  I'll stick with my $29.00/mth connection. I have more time than money   ;)

I started out with a 1200 baud modem.  Sold $900 worth of basement stuff (about 20 items) on Amazon.com auction on that link. 1980's.

  This is not meant to be a thread-drift..

carson FL  92.3? and heavy showers.

LOL Carson, that's the speed of the network, not my PC. The latter runs on candlepower.

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