A visit with Sarah

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Moderator Emeritus
Feb 1, 2005
On Sunday afternoon, Russ, Lorna and I went to visit Sarah Hale and had dinner with her in St. Louis Park, MN.  We got to see her house and had a very enjoyable time catching up on old times and talking about old friends.  She will shortly be starting regular hours at the post office and will have time to enjoy a real life again, and we expect her to show up here any day now.
Ned said:
On Sunday afternoon, Russ, Lorna and I went to visit Sarah Hale and had dinner with her in St. Louis Park, MN.? We got to see her house and had a very enjoyable time catching up on old times and talking about old friends.?

If you see Sarah again, give her Bev and my love & hugs. We miss her --a very special lady. I sure hope she gets back soon.

Great news about Sarah. We do miss her. We still have her "Sarah Bear" in the coach.

Did she finally sell her Southwind? Hope she shows up soon.

Yes, she sold the Southwind awhile ago.  She's thinking about getting a popup for some camping trips.

Glad she sold the rig. A popup sounds great for her. She could easily join the group for rallies if she has the time off. I remember her coming to QZ on a very cold night, twice, and planning on sleeping in a tent. She is the only adult that has shared our rig with us. :)
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