AdvantagePressurePro Echo Repeater

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2005
Any one know anything about this- a poster says he got this yesterday fro Pressure Pro but I can't find it on their web site.


We have been working on the development of a new product, ?The Echo Repeater?. The Echo Repeater acts as a ?wireless antenna?, receiving Sensor signals and retransmitting them at a stronger (12V) signal to the Monitor. PressurePro has two (2) types of signals. 1) First there is a short, quick RF signal which is sent as a ?check-in? on a regular basis. This shorter, quicker signal can be easily interfered with. 2) The second type of signal is a low pressure alert, a longer, stronger, sustained and repetitive RF signal.

The Echo Repeater has been designed to add to the efficiency of PressurePro, capturing sensor signals and transmitting them at a stronger power (12 volts vs. 3 volts in the sensor.)

Installation is simple, easy and straight forward. The Echo Repeater should be installed as far back as possible in the vehicle, and can be installed almost anywhere except on metal. Power required is 12V (cig. Lighter accessory or hard wired).

Hopefully Bernie will see this and jump in. I was aware that PP previously had an antenna that communicated with the monitor via cable. The wireless one looks like a logical progression.
I've been testing the repeater for PP for the past month and it works great. ?Previously, I needed the extension antenna to read my towed tire pressures reliably, but with the repeater mounted in the bedroom, I haven't missed a reading. ?If you're using the extension antenna and stringing coax through your rig to read those back tires, the repeater is definitely worth it.

I wired mine into a 12V light circuit over the bed.
Tom said:

Hopefully Bernie will see this and jump in. I was aware that PP previously had an antenna that communicated with the monitor via cable. The wireless one looks like a logical progression.

I bought the antenna but never used it. This looks like a better deal. I just found a site that has it listed at a price of $65.
The list price is $65, but the price to PP customers is $45.  This is per the "News from PressurePro" email I received 2 days ago.  If you already own a PP, then you should have received the email with the pricing.  If you didn't receive it, then contact Vanessa at [email protected] to get on the mailing list.
Not sure how much more power they get from the repeater but using 12 volts instead of 3 they should be able to get to the legal limits.  Still not a lot of power though.
Sounds like a much better solution than the antenna.? Now I know why I should have had a cigarette lighter socket installed in the bedroom.

Wonder why they call those things cigarrete lighter sockets?? Most of them are used for something else.? ?;D
It's not so much the higher power, but that the repeater can read the signal from the far back sensors better, being closer to them, and resend to the dash monitor.

If you don't have a convenient 12V outlet, it's not difficult to hard wire the repeater into a 12V light circuit.
Unfortunately, the factory is somewhat optimistic about the delivery of the repeater, it won't be available for probably 6 weeks or more.
The pricing is only for the repeater, a power cord is additional at about $10. I have been testing one also since early April and have found only marginal improvement on dropouts.

I normally do not recommend either the cable antenna or repeater unless the circumstances are quite unusual. I get signal dropouts on occasion also. Usually it only lasts for one polling cycle. You should get 3 dashes on the display for the affected tire. When that happens you are still protected since if a warning situation arises the warning signal the sensor sends out is about twice the power of the normal polling signal.

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