aircondition question

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Feb 26, 2006
Hi i just bought a 77 dodge monaco class c and the the  dash does not work, iwould like to know if i can run the gen while i am driving and use the roof a.c. or will i have to fix the dash a.c. ?????? ???
I used to run the generator to power the a/c on our old Pace Arrow. No reason you shouldn't be able to do it.
ash said:
Hi i just bought a 77 dodge monaco class c and the the? dash does not work, iwould like to know if i can run the gen while i am driving and use the roof a.c. or will i have to fix the dash a.c. ?????? ???

We sometimes drive with the Genset running to power the roof air. ?
some one told me it will over charge the battery,and can damage the charging system.....
ash said:
some one told me it will over charge the battery,and can damage the charging system.....

I hope not.

I have been running generators to use AC for years on our last three coaches. If it has done any damage I haven't noticed it.

The gensets feed power to the same charging systems that you use when plugged into shore power. It also takes a load off the chassis engine on hot days.
some one told me it will over charge the battery,and can damage the charging system.....

It won't if your electrical systems are properly designed and working properly. There is supposed to be a relay that prevents both the engine alternator and the "house" system (powered by the genset's 120 VAC output) from both charging the house batteries at the same time.

Using the house a/c to cool the coach is a normal operating mode.
I was once told you could possibly get better gas mileage by running the generator for air vs. the coach a/c.  Don't know how true it is  ??? but I frequently run the generator and air if it gets hot enough.
A BTU is a BTU is a BTU. If your genset/coach a/c produces more btu's cooling per horsepower (watt, erg, joule, or whatever unit of energy you wish) using less gasoline than your chassis engine/chassis a/c, then it's true - your genset/coach a/c is more efficient and will use less gas. Otherwise, the opposite is true - take your pick :)
ash said:
some one told me it will over charge the battery,and can damage the charging system.....

I've heard things like that too... A proper battery re-charging system such as the one on the main engine of your Motor Home, and hopefully the one on the generator if, that is, it has one, includes a device called a REGULATOR which is specifically designed to insure the batteries do not get overcharged

I did allued to the fact the generator may not, directly, recharge the batteries (mine does not)  Instead it runs the rig's normal battery charging device (the one that works when I plug into power mains) and again, if it's properly designed (NOT ALL ARE) and programmed.... It's the greatest thing for your battery since distilled water!  By all means use it

My rig has a Progressive Dynamics Intella Charger with optional charge wizard... For the batteries that came with the rig, I know of none better.

However for differnt types of battereies.... I'd make different recommendations
thanks for the great advice,this is my first R.V  i know its 29years old .but it only has 75,000 miles and  my boss bought it from the original owner. Is any one familiar with a1977dodge monaco class c , I would like to know what problems to look for??????

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