Alaska with the Brewer's 06

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Good morning Russ or is it afternoon.  Hope to see you soon.
September 4, 2006? ? Day? ?104? ?Road side stop near Dease Lake, British Columbia? ?

Today was a day of firsts in a long time.? It was the first time I needed my sunglasses, it was the first time we needed the sunshades down while driving, and it was the first day in a long time Terry wore his sandals.? It was warm!? Finally.? The trees look like something out of a fall calendar and are reds, orange and yellows and almost neon in color. Even the ground cover has turned red!? Much of the road taken today from Telsin to the junction of the Cassiar highway we had already traveled on our way in to Alaska.? What a difference 2 ? months can make.? It was like going from a black and white movie to a color movie! We had lunch right beside Swan Lake, where I spotted a loon.? While driving onward,? I spotted a little black bear who just walked across the road in front of? us.? I snapped up the camera but he was gone.? That was the good news.?

The bad news came in two areas.? The price of fuel at the Junction of the Alaska Highway and the Cassiar Highway was $4.61 a gallon when converting liters to gallons.? They gave us even money and no exchange benefit!? Sadly it is the only fuel available as several stations are closed for the season. So we paid it!? What are you going to do?? ?There is very little traffic and many tourist shops and restaurants are closed up even boarded up for the winter!? We passed through Jade City which is really nothing more than two business along the road who sell jade.? Did you know 75% of the worlds jade is mined right here in British Columbia?? The rest is mined in Taiwan or New Zealand.? Ok now I own some jade.? I bought an art piece for the niche in my new home.? Russ also got a souvenir.? But I ramble.?

The second piece of bad news of the day was the condition of the road along this section of the Cassiar Highway.? While it is mostly paved, there are pot holes and whoop de doos to look out for.? The worst was a section that is gravel and the only good thing was that it was not raining or we would have been filthy.? It was wash boarded and pot holed and narrow and soft shoulder and even though it had nice scenery my driver was not interested in it as he was watching the road.? We took it very slowly and were very careful when opening doors and cupboard when we parked as everything got a real good shaking.? Thankfully it was only 16 miles but it seemed forever.?

?They say? the road tomorrow will be better.? We were rewarded with a beautiful roadside pull out where we will stay overnight right.? It is beside a rushing river and we can hear the water fall over the rocks and it will put us to sleep tonight.? It was warm enough for one more? of the 2 times we can recall sitting outside for a happy hour.? There were bugs, but not the kind that bite so we just swatted them away and enjoyed the sunshine!? It is only 250 miles to Stewart where we will park and then drive to Hyder to see bears. (We hope.)

Motorhome Miles Driven: 268? ?
Wildlife sightings: 1 loon,? 1 swan , 1 bear
Temps:? High 72? ? ? ?Low 44? ? ? ? ? 0.02 inches of rain
Camping Costs: Free at km marker 481.3? ?Dalby Creek.? We are right on rushing river!
GPS: 58.3779, -129.9222


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The highway will be much better tomorrow and the road will be stripped.  We had some color on the way down but not like you are seeing.
caltex said:
The birds just like the big bugs that hang around there.


Funny the bugs in our area are no worse than up north. Mosquitos are the worse but they are controlled where we are by spraying. Usually have no problems until dark and then we stay inside. :) Love bugs are a real pain but they only come out twice a year. Usually we are not there.
Jim, hello.  We have a house on the Texas coast where it seems that the bugs are more plentiful than in Dallas (humidity is higher on the coast).  but I guess we get spoiled in California where there are few bugs compared to other areas.
caltex said:
Jim, hello.  We have a house on the Texas coast where it seems that the bugs are more plentiful than in Dallas (humidity is higher on the coast).  but I guess we get spoiled in California where there are few bugs compared to other areas.

Hi Robert,

Yes, you Californians do get spoiled. I remember when I was stationed in San Diego back in the '60's. I visited a great aunt in LA and was amazed at the lack of bugs at dusk. I think it's the only state that doesn't have bugs!!! Wonder if they know something we don't???? :)
Jim Dick said:
I think it's the only state that doesn't have bugs!!!

Not quite Jim. The mosquitos come out at dusk and that's when I head for cover. An hour later they're gone.
September 5, 2006? ? Day 105? ? Stewart, Canada and Hyder, Alaksa

I guess I spoke too early yesterday as we awoke to rain today.? We left early (for us.) We drove this section of the Cassiar Highway and hit the 17-mile gravel section full of potholes and rain.? Car is trashed, as is motorhome!? The last section of the road did have nice pavement and lines even!? By the time we arrived in Stewart, it was sunny.? We stopped to view Bear Glacier right along the road.? We got parked and Russ decided to take advantage of the bit of sun we were having and wanted to take a ride to Hyder, which is in Alaska. I drove this short 5-mile drive to Fish Creek viewing area where they have built a platform along the stream.? You can watch the salmon spawn and die.? It smelled worse than it does when you visit in mid August according to Russ.? I had hoped to see some bear come to feed, but none appeared while we were there, however a big grizzly had been there earlier and left his droppings after he ate a few rotten fish. .? We moved on up the mountain to view the Salmon Glacier that is the 5th largest glacier in Canada and the largest accessible by road.? This was one of the most interesting glaciers I have viewed because we drove up the mountain edge above the glacier so we could see down on it.? It is long and the sun was right to show the crevasses and the length of it. One could also the valley this glacier has carved.? They are so powerful!? On the way down the hill the gravel streambeds were home for at least 5 eagles. We stopped again to see if we could see any bears and none appeared however Mike Scott a bear expert was giving a talk on bears so we learned a few facts.? A bear?s diet is 85% vegetarian.? They eat right up until the time they go into hibernation. Alaska has 3 bears, the polar bear, the brown (grizzly) bear and the black bear.? I am so fascinated by bears that Russ and I will return to the viewing station at 7 am.? No kidding. I am going to get up early to see a bear!? Terry is going to sleep in.? ?I have to get to bed early so I can get up? and go bear viewing!? ?

Motorhome Miles Driven:? 235?
Wildlife sightings: chipmunk. 2 hoary marmots, 5 bald eagles, seagulls and hundreds? of? ? ? ? ? ?spawning salmon
Temps:? High 60? ? ? Low 42? ? ? ? ?.03? ? inches of rain
Camping Costs: $20 full hook ups Bear River RV Park
GPS: 55.9515, -129.9790


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If it is raining you probably would NOT like the camp ground we stayed at in Hyder. As I remember it was right off main street, but the sites were just dirt (or mud). Not sure why we camped in Hyder since we got off the ferry in Stewart. We were fortunate to get very little rain and almost no mosquitoes. But then we were back in Vermont by Sept 1st.

BTW, the Alaska Ferry schedule does not show a route from Ketichan to Stewart anymore. Do you know if that is really true?


Tom said:
Not quite Jim. The mosquitos come out at dusk and that's when I head for cover. An hour later they're gone.


It must be unique to Northern California. I remember back in the '60's I used to visit my aunt in LA when I was stationed in San Diego and we could sit out at night and not be bothered by any bugs. Of course, that was quite a few years ago so things could have changed. :)
Must be Jim. I do know that I found it especially irritating when trying to fish in Maine during the day and being continuously attacked. We just weren't used to that  :(
Tom said:
Must be Jim. I do know that I found it especially irritating when trying to fish in Maine during the day and being continuously attacked. We just weren't used to that  :(

From what I hear Maine has bugs that defy reality! The black flies I hear are horrendous. Maybe that's why we never went there in the 50 odd years we spent in Southern New England!!! They also have an over abundance of orange barrels that love to summer in Maine! I do know they head to GA and FL for the winter!!! ;D At least they don't actively attack humans!!
Ken & Sheila said:
BTW, the Alaska Ferry schedule does not show a route from Ketichan to Stewart anymore. Do you know if that is really true?
Hi  Ken,
Yes there is no ferry service into Stewart.  No rail service  either.  In fact very little traffic in at all.  Logging and mining make up the  major economy of the area.  Tourist shops and museums are closed up. Our RV park is in Stewart and grassy. It is called Bear River Camp Ground.  I like it!  I think you most likely stayed at Camp Run a Muck.  It is pretty much dirt and is in Hyder. These little villages are very sleepy and not much going on for a tourist after you have seen the glaciers and bears and eagles! We are actually planning a return trip to Alaska in a few years!

LA and Orange Counties have active vector control programs and go after rats, mosquito's etc.  Any notice of one of the controlled items and they get right on it NOW!!  Made it nice to be able to sit out on the patio all hours.  BG
Betty Brewer said:
September 5, 2006? ? Day 105? ? Stewart, Canada and Hyder, Alaksa

? ?I have to get to bed early so I can get up? and go bear viewing!?

Hi Guys,

Check out the photos I added to Sept 5 post with the photos now added!

September 6, 2006    Day 106  Stewart/Hyder 

Russ and I went out to shoot bear early in the morning.  We beat the crowds at Fish Creek in Hyder and within an hour spotted a black bear on the hillside eating his breakfast of a freshly caught salmon.  On the drive home from Fish Creek we spotted over 8 eagles in the gravel riverbeds.  They too were feeding on the salmon.  The little villages of Stewart and Hyder are very rustic country type villages.  They have very limited groceries and most of the tourist shops are now closed for the season.  The scenery above each community is phenomenal however.  Hyder sits right on the Pacific Ocean and majestic coastal ranges that border these communities form the 90-mile Portland Canal. Glaciers hang above the cities and green mountains create a snug little place for these villages.  Mining and logging activities are the base of the local economy.  I skipped the Toaster Museum because it was closed; maybe next time. We leave in morning to head toward Prince George, the final destination of our caravan with Russ.

Motorhome Miles Driven:  0
Wildlife sightings: 1  black bear, salmon, eagles, seagulls
Temps:  High 69    Low  45        0  inches of rain
Camping Costs: $20 Bear River RV Park, full hu with wifi and cable



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September 7, 2006? ? Day 107 Houston, British Columbia Turnout?

We left Stewart this morning in a light rain, of course.

? It is a sad day.? All of the things that Russ wanted to show us on our Alaska adventure have been accomplished.? We are in travel mode, heading home.? We are still a long ways from Yuma, Arizona and Russ is 2200 miles from Des Moines, Iowa. Our roads were good today and the fall colors are still evident yet not as spectacular as a few days ago while we were farther north. We are at a turnout along the Yellowhead Highway. Prince George is the destination for tomorrow and Russ may move on even farther.

Tonight over dinner, we exchanged stories on the highlights of our trip.? We are very grateful that Russ? satellite was able to give us access to the Internet so that these journals could be forwarded to you.? I am not sure when we will have a satellite signal from our Direcway and until then I may have to delay our final journey descriptions.? When I am back on line I will post the remaining details of our trip to the USA Border. We plan to cross in Lynden, Washington.? I will also give you highlights and reflections of this trip of a lifetime!

Motorhome Miles Driven: 264? ?$3.57 per gallon US,  for Diesel
Wildlife sightings: eagle in flight over a river
Temps:? High 61? ? ?Low 48? ? ? ?0.01? ?inches of rain
Camping Costs: Free
GPS: 54.4695, -126.2085

Congratulations on a wonderful trip and for taking us along with you vicariously.

We are currently in Oregon at South Beach State Park just south of Newport if you happen to be coming south along the coast.  If not we will likely see you in Arizona later this year.

safe travels!  :D

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