Animal Cruelty

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indiana journey

Well-known member
Mar 14, 2009
Middletown, Indiana
We had just arrived at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds campground and were setting up the motorhome when DW saw a man kicking and beating a black Lab. The dog was cowering and trying to get away from him but couldn't. We walked over to the man and asked why he was kicking the dog. He replied that it was his dog and to stay out of it. I told him that the police had been called and that he should stop mistreating the dog. He again told me that I should mind my own business. I then told him that if he hit or kicked the dog again I would do the same to him. His wife asked us to leave, which we did, but kept an eye on them. They then proceeded to do a quick hook-up of their RV and left before the police could get there.
They were an elderly couple from New York, driving a new burgundy Ford crew cab dually, pulling a new brown Montana fifth wheel with full body paint. The dog was a Black Lab.
Hopefully, the dog won't be mistreated again, but, please be on the look-out for them and make sure that they don't mistreat the dog again.
Indiana Journey
Shoot Video, Call Humane society, Show video to investigator.

Now with Police.. I can not tell you how they will react, Some officers will do the right thing,,, Some not, but they do not have facilities to handle the poor dog.

Mac, and his fellow Humane Society investigators (Mac is in Detroit, MI)  They have the facilities and ... Well... I've chatted with Mac several times  (We are both ham radio operators) but you know what... I'd not wish to get on his bad side. d

Save for the ham license.. He's typical of his job classification.
A man that beats a defenseless dog like that probably thumps his wife as well.  You did the right thing by stepping in.  Maybe he will realize that decent folk aren't going to put up with that.  The previous poster had a great idea to video the perpetrator.  If he is a local, the cops probably already know him.
Few locals, here in Raleigh, NC drive a burgundy dually with NY plates.  I had better never catch one kicking a dog, (any animal) either.  I'm not a large person, but I carry several assorted size equalizers in any vehicle I drive.

If I understand correctly, you are saying you would kill someone who mistreated an animal. I think you would have a long time in prison to consider the results of your actions.
halfwright said:

If I understand correctly, you are saying you would kill someone who mistreated an animal. I think you would have a long time in prison to consider the results of your actions.
That's quite a leap that you just took.  Hope you didn't strain something.

All I meant was that I could probably prevent the further kicking and beating of a defenseless pet.  If the assailant felt like he had been kicked and beaten in the process, I'll accept the price of that.
Thank you for the clarification. Now, it will only be first degree assault and battery instead of murder.
halfwright said:
Thank you for the clarification. Now, it will only be first degree assault and battery instead of murder.
I think you probably know that my rhetoric was more to express my disgust than intent, but I thank you, Counselor, for your legal opinion and obvious concern for the welfare of abused pets.
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