another newbie

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May 22, 2006
Hi All,
  We are selling all and going full time into RV'ing.  We just had a buyer for our MI condo yesterday, so once we have that completed, we're off and traveling.  We bought a 35' Diesel by Damon and are now looking for a towable car to replace our mini van which requires a tow dollie.  We took our maiden voyage for about 5 days a couple weeks ago, just to test things out and we learned we have much to learn about driving, parking, and particularly hooking up without looking like one of the 3 stooges.  It was a blast, tho, and looking forward to many more travels.
    We are new retirees but may decide to work sometimes in our travels.  Another thing to learn about.  My wife's name is Sandie and mine Rich so we're going as Sandrich. I'm sure we will be online with many questions.  Thank you for letting me post.
You couldn't have come to a better place for info and facts.  You will find many views and theories in this forum.  Seldom will any not be of use or value.  Welcome to the RV world and to this forum.  you have many people here that know anything and most everything  about RVing.  Please don't be afraid or ashamed to ask.  Good Luck
Hi Rich and Sandie and welcome to our forum. Feel free to look around or ask any questions and we'll try to get them answered.
Hi Rich and Sandie,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  We have been fulltiming since 1998.  There is a lot ove experience here among the forum members so please ask any questions that you have as you plan for your new lifestyle.  Please join in on any of the ongoing discussions or start new discussions.  Glad you found us.

Hi Rich & Sandie,

Welcome to the forum. We have been full timing for almost 10 years. It's a great way to see our country. Be sure to ask any questions you might have. Someone here will have an answer!
Did you want mayo on your Sandrich? ;D

Let me add my welcome to the Forum.

Remco is the recognized expert in toad towing, and can tell you what is needed for a particular vehicle. They are at I suggest you look up your vehicle there or call them before making a purchase.

Good luck in your new life; I'm sure you'll have many great years together on the road!
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