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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2006
I parked the RV where it will be 99% of the year.  It is a nice place but I am plagued by ants.  They are everywhere.  I sprayed ant killer everywhere, and they found every way around it there was, even sneaking in under the carpet. I put ant killer around the tires, so they crawled up the waste water hose.  I cleaned the entire RV and got rid of everything that couldn't be sealed air-tight.  I even got the off-brand cerial that comes in a resealable plastic bag - and they found a way into that.  I've been through 3 cans of indoor killer, and a big bag of outdoor killer that I spread all around the RV.  They are still everywhere. 

I even have pecan trees that are crawling with them.  Since there are ants all over the roof of the RV, Im also assuming they are jumping off from the trees.

Im desperate, how do you keep ants out when you are camping long-term?
Saw a great program on ants last night. Amazing creatures...but that isn't any comfort:) We only had ants one time and they won the battle. We poured boiling water down the holes and they just moved. Didn't find any chemicals that worked. I think there are some heavy duty pesticides that the exterminators have.....not aware of any off the shelf products that work. Not giving you an answer, but empathise ::)
Try Amdro Fire and Bait. It is a bait (granular form) that the worker ants carry into the mound as food. They eat it and feed it to the queen. It kills ants immediately and in about a week the queen is dead which destroys the mound.
There are assorted ways you can combat ants, #1 is don't park on an ant-hill, but since it appears they have moved in it's too late for that, Boric Acid (Spelling) will discourage them, draw a line in their path and they cross it... ONCE

There are several anti-ant things too.  however most of them are not kind to pets and people, 

Now in my rig, I pitty any ant brave enough to run across the floor in front of the fur kids.  They love self-propelled cat toys!
I second the vote for Amdro Fire and Bait.  Worked great.  Had then all around the spot I store my coach.  Used Amdro twice during summer...  no more ants.

Im desperate, how do you keep ants out when you are camping long-term?

I had the problem around my house, the little black Argentinian rascals which are incredibly hardy and prolific.  Nothing worked until, in desperation I called a professional exterminator.  For $58 per visit old Albert of Hyrdex comes around every two months and sprays the outside of the house.  Absolutely no ants, not one since he started.  Worth his weight in gold believe me.

If your RV is spending that much time in one place, and you own the property or can get the permission of the owner, a professional exterminator is the only way to go for your ant plague.
Here's a great ant on fire ants too. Use moistened NutraSweet (must be moistened, not dry). They will take it into their nests for consumption and poison them.  NutraSweet is Aspartame which is a poison. Think about that the next time you're drinking that diet Coke/Pepsi.  :eek:

(Oh, but of course the FDA says Aspartame is safe.)  ???
BruceinFL said:
? NutraSweet is Aspartame which is a poison. Think about that the next time you're drinking that diet Coke/Pepsi.? :eek:

(Oh, but of course the FDA says Aspartame is safe.)? ????


Aspartame is a dipeptide of the amino acids aspartic acid and phenylalanine.  Once it hits your stomach the dipeptide simply breaks into those two amimo acids.  Your body can't tell whether it got the amino acids from aspartame or a Big Mac.

The fear-mongers regarding it as a poison have gotten to you.
ChinMusic said:

Aspartame is a dipeptide of the amino acids aspartic acid and phenylalanine.  Once it hits your stomach the dipeptide simply breaks into those two amimo acids.  Your body can't tell whether it got the amino acids from aspartame or a Big Mac.

The fear-mongers regarding it as a poison have gotten to you.

Big Mac's poison too. Thanks, but I'll choose neither. I believe the fearmongers.
If you can locate the ant hole, try AMDRO.  It is not an immediate solution to your problem, but will wipe out an ant hill.  The ants take it into the anthill and hopefully feed it to the queen and pooof no ants.

Be careful with it and read the instructions carefully.

Good luck.

PS Available at most Walmarts
I agree with Carl...use an exterminator if you can they have better chemicals.  If not Raid works well and gives instant gratification..tim
BruceinFL said:
Here's a great ant on fire ants too. Use moistened NutraSweet (must be moistened, not dry). They will take it into their nests for consumption and poison them.  NutraSweet is Aspartame which is a poison. Think about that the next time you're drinking that diet Coke/Pepsi.  :eek:

(Oh, but of course the FDA says Aspartame is safe.)  ???


My doctor has prescribed potassium chloride for me to offset the potassium loss I get from another medication. Potassium chloride is the 3rd chemical injected in executions and is the one that kills the prisoner ??? ??? ???
If you have put outside ant "dope" out and you still have ants you might want to check your bays. We had a similar problem and I discovered they had moved into one of our bays and be live it or not had established a nest in my cordless drill charger. I removed it and shook out all I could and then saturated it with Raid and did not
have any more ants.


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