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Life on the road is certainly an adventure, isn't it? I once woke up at 5:30 am and lying on my side in bed, I opened my eyes in the semi-darkness and discovered an ambitious tree frog about 8" from my nose climbing his way up my wall. I gently wrapped him in a paper towel and evicted him through my side door. Luckily, however, I have not yet found squashed dead critters of any sort anywhere inside or outside!
My FIL calls chipmunks "rats in mink coats".
A cousin and I went to high school together. one day in biology class the teacher told us about squirrels and rats. Don went home and at supper told his dad that squirrels and rats were related. Now our dads and we boys usually went squirrel hunting together, but after my uncle heard that about squirrels he never went squirrel hunting again, nor would he ever eat one again.
Don and I though it was very funny, but were careful not to poke fun at his dad. The consequence would hurt.
Life on the road is certainly an adventure, isn't it? I once woke up at 5:30 am and lying on my side in bed, I opened my eyes in the semi-darkness and discovered an ambitious tree frog about 8" from my nose climbing his way up my wall. I gently wrapped him in a paper towel and evicted him through my side door. Luckily, however, I have not yet found squashed dead critters of any sort anywhere inside or outside!
I can relate to those crazy critters, during my military service in a country in Southeast Asia we had talking lizards, (F some will recall that and others) spiders, and birds, the first time I heard a bullet like a zip ZIPPING sound, and asking what kind of bug that was?
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I can relate to those crazy critters, during my military service in a country in Southeast Asia we had talking lizards, (F some will recall that and others) spiders, and birds, the first time I heard a bullet like a zip ZIPPING sound, and asking what kind of bug that was?
As long as you hear it. It's the one you don't hear that gets you.
Don't know about in a camper but in a previous home there was a foolproof trap for squirrels in the attic. Seems they love the taste of mid-seventies romex. The attic had a nasty smell when we got it so we explored and found squirrel carcasses all over and every one was where a romex cable had been chewed through. Fun rewiring project.

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