Any NASCAR race track campers out there?

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Well-known member
May 19, 2006
Houston, Tx
Hey Y'all,

I've posted and read questions here regarding generators for my 5er, and I do appreciate the feedback I got.

However, I think my needs are different from the folks that camp in state parks, other "get away from it all" areas as well as full timers. I could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first

When we camp away from the race track, I'll have full hookups, at the race track, no hookups are available at this time.

I'm looking for a generator for my 36' 5er, it has a 15,000 btw A/C unit with all the other 'Stuff' found in a RV. I can't run many things off the batteries so I need a generator for the 6 days I'll be at the track

While at the Texas Motor Speedway in Ft. Worth for the June races, we went out to the camping areas. The generators we saw were not the ultra quiet Honda eu1000i, eu2000i types. They made noise and they were in the 3' x 3' x 3'size range (more or less), I don't have enough experience w/ generators to say if they were really noisey, or just some what loud, but they were not Quiet.

What generators do y'all use at the race track?  ??? We're going up in November for our first Racing/Camping experience and would like to hammer out this detail before then.

In my budget, ~$1,500 for a generator is ok, $4,000+ is not.


We always took the motorhome with its built-in generator to the Las Vegas race. Used it for parking lot dry camping just like we used it in Death Valley, Quartzsite, and other no hookup camping areas. A lot depends on what you're running off the generator. Do you want to run the A/C, the TV and the microwave? Or just keep the lights working and the beer cold?
We'd like to run everything. Just like we were home! :D

A/C, Lights, Tv, Satellite, DVD. During the daytime we'll most likely be in the track, but mornings and evenings we'll be hanging at the camping area.

We take a TT every year to Bristol twice and year and ocassionally we
go to Talledega or Charolette. I am sure you have seen if you been
to a few races every kind of conceivable camping setup that there is.
We normally use a Honda generator to run the AC at the August race due
to the heat. You just be carefull that you are not running the exhaust into someones tent  ;D
Generally speaking Generator noise has been the least of the noise problems
we have found camping at race tracks.

I to have been to race tracks and camped at their sites. The only time I have noticed when noise is a problem is when they run a straight pipe for the muffler. Some campsites have quite time to lessen the noise. EXHAUST fumes can be a killer. Please watch were it is going and do get a couple co detectors for your self. If you allready have one great. Remember a few dollars can save a life.

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