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I am new to Rving and just love it- It appears that most rallys (nicer weather) are out west. Any Rallys on the east coast close to PA, Jersey or Delaware? Thanks
Oaks is an RV show not a rally. RVs are allowed on the outskirts of the property. I inquired about RV parking and I received a message from a show rep. He did not appear too inviting. It is a show so their clients are dealers that want to sell new rigs. I did not feel too welcomed. Thanks, though for the info.
You might have some luck with some smaller group events in the local area. Since you have a Winnebago, there are a lot of Winnie-specific clubs out there! Would be a great place to start!
You might want to check this one out. Good Sam is having an Rally in Syracuse, NY,at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse, New York, June 13 ? 16.