Any Wordle players hereabouts?

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Headed out to buy a lottery ticket... :eek:
For only the 2nd time in all the Wordles I've played (HUNDREDS), this happened:

Wordle 1,086 1/6*


Unbelievable. Thinking perhaps I should just "drop the mic" and retire from playing. But noooo... I fully expect I'll be back to my usual 4-6 guess norm shortly.
Headed out to buy a lottery ticket... :eek:
For only the 2nd time in all the Wordles I've played (HUNDREDS), this happened:

Wordle 1,086 1/6*


Unbelievable. Thinking perhaps I should just "drop the mic" and retire from playing. But noooo... I fully expect I'll be back to my usual 4-6 guess norm shortly.
Well that is just the stupidest start word ever πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

But well done!! I bow to your superiority πŸ€ͺ today only πŸ˜‚
Well that is just the stupidest start word ever πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

But well done!! I bow to your superiority πŸ€ͺ today only πŸ˜‚
Stupid you say? Hey, I have to agree! :D
I use a different word every day. Sometimes, like today, I go with a "1 vowel" word. I'm partial to "CR..." and "GR..." for some reason. Hit "Submit" fully prepared to go on from there, but... :giggle:

As I think I posted here previously, the only other first word guess was "CLEAN".

Obviously getting it with your first guess is pure luck, no skill whatsoever.
Unbelievable. Thinking perhaps I should just "drop the mic" and retire from playing.

Better hold on to that mic Dude. Took all of one day to get back to reality...
Fame can be so fleeting... :rolleyes:

Wordle 1,087 6/6*


(also did not know that word...)
Wordle 1,087 4/6*


Oh I hadn't hit post.

Japanese art?? Not sure how you haven't heard of it. All the youngsters are into it apparently. Oh wait...

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