Anyone going to FMCA Convention in Redmond, OR in August?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Well it is 1 pm on the day the Vendor Exhibits finally opened.  I saw many of our friends  inside the  vendor areas with bags in hand. So we are helping the RV economy.

We got a new M& G Braking system for our Jeep, new sewer hose connectors,  new make up in a kit. (Learned about this from  "The  how to get Gorgeous in 5 minutes" Seminar yesterday. )  Got one new  LED light as a test. It works.  Ordered a plastic sign to put on a water spigot in cabin from Badges R Us.  I purchased a solar light to attach to top of our telescoping  flagpole so flag can be lit dawn to dusk. All of these purchases with no sales tax!

Terry picked up our free rally pins. Still need to pick up the free blueberry pancakes. Now have room in new residential refrigerator.  Went out  to dinner last night with long time friends we met on Mexico Caravan.  Tumalo Feed Company in Bend had great steaks! 

Many of the seminars have been very crowded.  I have not yet heard how many coaches are present at rally but it is down from years past.

Weather continues to cooperate.  Very nice for happy  hour events.
I read elsewhere that there were only about 1700 coaches there, including vendors.  That would be one of the smallest counts in years.  There are regional rallies that get several times that number.
Wanted to view some of the videos or the webcast, but is down...

FMCA sent me an e-mail telling me about the technical difficulties they were having with the webcasts from Redmond.  They gave me this link to go to if I was having difficulty getting the webcast.  I used the link to watch the Picasa Seminar given by Geeks on Tour, but it was dropping in and out so much that I didn't get much out of it.  The video picture was only about 4" X 4" big and I couldn't find a way to enlarge it.  It looked like a lot of people attended the seminar, but I didn't see anyone I knew there. 

There's apparently two more seminars to be webcast, one today (Thursday) and one tomorrow (Friday).
thanks for the link. I followed the link and enjoyed the webcast. It was at the right time: 0:00 to 01:15 am - my time :(
Wonder if FMCA will offer the webcasts as videos after the Convention.
thanks for the link. I followed the link and enjoyed the webcast. It was at the right time: 0:00 to 01:15 am - my time
Wonder if FMCA will offer the webcasts as videos after the Convention.

Great!  Glad you got to watch one.  There's another one on tomorrow on Microwave Convection Cooking for One or Two: 9:45 am to 11:45 am PST.  I think I heard or read somewhere that they're not making videos of the webcasts so they won't be replaying them.  Maybe I saw that in the Geeks on Tour e-mail.
Tonight we saw The Texas Tenors at the outdoor arena at the rally. It was a fantastic show. They sang country, they sang western, they sang Italian opera and a Greek pop song, they did Frank Sinatra and John Denver. And throughout the show, the sun was setting, the sky was fading through a hundred shades of blue with an orange band across the Cascades. The temperature was lovely with a light breeze blowing. It was a Grand Evening.

Tomorrow is the Jimmy Buffett tribute band .... Parrotheads Unite !

All FMCA Attendees: Redmond Overleft Event

Since the Lassen's have had a hard time making the "Happy Hours" during the prior Redmond Rally days, I'd like to plan a "Overleft" event.  How about bringing any left overs (Overlefts) for an impromptu pot-luck on Saturday before the Mo Town Entertainment.  Bring chairs and something to share.  I'll have set-ups, paper plates and tables to use.  If we start at 4:00 PM we should have enough time to get things put away and head over to the entertainment.  So:

Saturday    4 PM
Bring Chairs and something to share and your special drink.
Lot 11  Row 7.  We are now at the end of the row away from the fairgrounds.....plenty of parking.

Ned said:
I read elsewhere that there were only about 1700 coaches there, including vendors.  That would be one of the smallest counts in years.  There are regional rallies that get several times that number.

The estimate I got last Monday was about 1,975. That's the lowest attendance at any FMCA National Convention that we have attended (since 1999). The largest FMCA Area rallies are Brooksville, FL and Indio, CA. They've been running in the 1,500+/- range the last couple of years, very seldom over 2,000.
Wendy said:
We'll be there for the Overleft party. Maybe we'll bring pancakes 

Wendy, No one is going to want your pancakes.  Terry says get a residential refrigerator.

I'm on my way right now to pick up my pancakes. I'll take them to Mom & Dad or maybe the local soup kitchen.

Tell Terry we don't need a residential refrigerator if we're looking at new motorhomes. Don't think you could fit one in our Sightseer even if I was crazy enough to want one.

OK ... I finally have to ask.  ;D  What's with the surplus of pancakes at FMCA in Redmond?  Inquiring (nosy) minds need to know.

The estimate I got last Monday was about 1,975.

A more official count this afternoon was 1,928 family (general membership) and 80 vendor coaches.

What's with the surplus of pancakes at FMCA in Redmond?  Inquiring (nosy) minds need to know.


There has been a waffle maker whose marketing budget is to distribute free packages (2 per rig, 4 servings per package) of their frozen waffles at larger FMCA and other rallies. We usually see them at the semi-annual FMCA International Conventions and at the Western Area rally in Indio, CA. If you only occasionally make the waffles you wind up with a lot of waffles in your freezer.
First time it was pancakes and waffles. Now it's buttermilk and blueberry pancakes. I had to wait until today to have room in the freezer for them. I do enjoy free.

A more official count this afternoon was 1,928 family (general membership) and 80 vendor coaches.

That's better than 1700, but still low.  Thanks for the update.
Wendy said:
Tell Terry we don't need a residential refrigerator if we're looking at new motorhomes.


Wendy, Are you looking for a new motorhome?

Margi,  We passed up the free pancakes...just what we need, more Carbs.... ;D


We went out to eat last night with Mike and Shirley, Kerry and Beth.  Nice restaurant, but Shirley was a bit disappoointed in her Filet Oscar  (I think that is what it was called); otherwise the ambiance was great and gabbing with RV friends even greater.

Hopefully it won't be too hot for our last minute potluck tonight.

Thanks, everyone, for satisfying my curiousity.  Are those pancakes tasty .... or just free?  ;D ;D

Tom and Margi said:
Thanks, everyone, for satisfying my curiousity.  Are those pancakes tasty .... or just free?

I think they are  very tasty.  Especially when I can get the man 3 pancakes  in one minute 15 seconds.  Beats the heck out of batter and mixing.  The brand is De Wafelbakers and Wal Mart  carries them in frozen dept.  We don't need the carbs either but on occasion it is nice. We like the blueberry best.  They do take up freezer space however.  I may  bring them to the pot luck this afternoon.


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