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Hey All,
In the beginning of my last message reguarding Mileage og coaches my hello was left with out the o, hope no one was offended by this ( typing error ) sorry.
No need to apologize for typos. If there were, I'd be permanently on my knees :-[
BTW some folks like using the spellchecker that's available when you're done typing a message, before clicking the Post button. Alternatively, you can always use the Modify button to fix a typo you notice later.
No apology necessary. Seems most of us have keyboards that sometimes like to do their own thing once in a while. Sometimes those keyboards even figure out how to fool the spell checker. ;D ;D
Speaking from my position as the Typo king, When I'm reading a message my mind usually just auto-corrects for typos of that type and puts in the missing/correct letter all by itself without my telling it to do so.