Arctic Fox on 97 Ford 350

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Aug 3, 2006
I have recently purchased a 990 Artic Fox, have it on a 97 Ford 350 4x4 crew cab.  I am ok on the weight, (I think), need to go get weights to be sure, however I have figured that I am hauling about 5,000 lbs loaded.  My issue is with the flex in the sidewall of the tire.  I have searched to find a heavier load rated tire, I know this will take care of lots of the sway and road walk that comes with the top heavy load.  Any suggestions.
At 5k you are up near the max payload for an F350 DRW. I don't think tires are going to help much, though it's worth a try. You might also try adding air springs, e.g. the Firestone Ride Rite. They often help with body roll/sway.
Since you are near the limit for your F350, you definitely need that scaled weight.  Do it before you head into tire purchasing.  When you do go to purchase tires, consider going to LT series tires if you already do not have them.
already have the air springs, the truck carries the load well even with them deflated.  To look at the springs they are just starting to put load on the top overload spring, I am of the mindset that if I were actually at full load the spring would have more contact on the perch than I have now.

  I noticed while it was sitting still, I can push sideways and rock it back and forth with the sidewall flex.  I have the Toyo all season tire on all four corners.  I have been looking for LT tires in hopes of finding something with a stiffer sidewall. 
Definitely look for something in the E load range.  I also have a 990 Fox.  Mine is an 02.  Not sure how the weights have changed, but mine comes in around 3500 I believe. 

I put on the Super Spring to help in stiffness, I am thinking of the bags though, had them on my old truck and liked them a lot. 

Are you SRW or DRW?  I saw 4x4 and crew but no mention of rear axle.

DRW sure helps, although I do not have it. 
I have SRW, E load rated tires, I totaled up all the dry weights and added 368 lbs for water, around 500 for our personal gear and was under 5 k but I know you never truly realize what everything actually does weigh.  I did find that my newly mounted tires had leaked down to about 68 lbs, I aired them to 80, also one of the air springs had leaked off, so will give it another try also going to go by some scales this afternoon to check weight.  I will put up with whatever the scales say.  I can remember seeing a higher load rated tire advertised somewhere. I think it was 12 or 16 ply equivalent.  It will give a stiff ride but that is what I am looking for.

The Artic Fox 990 has no equal, I have not been happy with stripped screws though, I will work my way through it and take care of those.

I failed to mention that we have most every available option, gen set, 100 amp solar, flat screen and a wet bath.
did a weight on the loaded camper as we leaving for a weekend stay.

listed GVWR  9200

actual weight 12400

front recommended 4600

actual front    4660

recommended rear 6084

actual rear weight  7740            I don't have the starting empty weight of the F-350 srw crew cab, powerstroke, 4 x 4
listed GVWR  9200

actual weight 12400

Those are scary numbers!  :eek:    You are 3200 lbs overloaded and [in my opinion] quite likely to either roll over or break a rear axle.

Are you sure your GVWR is only 9200 lbs?  That's sounds about right for the short wheelbase SRW version but most of the longer wheelbase DRW F350 configurations are more like 11,000 lbs, at least in the current Superduty series. I don't have specs for 1997, though.
RV Roamer said:
Those are scary numbers!? :eek:? ? You are 3200 lbs overloaded and [in my opinion] quite likely to either roll over or break a rear axle.

Are you sure your GVWR is only 9200 lbs?? That's sounds about right for the short wheelbase SRW version but most of the longer wheelbase DRW F350 configurations are more like 11,000 lbs, at least in the current Superduty series. I don't have specs for 1997, though.

Even if 11,000 were the real number he is still overloaded by 1400 lbs.  Might make it a bit further down the road but would arrive at the same misery.
that is the number straight off the door post.  Main thing in weighing I was concerned about the front wheel weight, now I am not too concerned.  I question it myself, after about 1,000 miles under the belt through Colorodo, NM and Texas mountain trails including Slumgullion pass, and others, I am not overly concerned.  I always wonder about the motor homes I meet on the road with the same chassis, and dual wheels that are slopping around on the road with inexperienced drivers. 

I stopped at 2 different tire shops and found the 235/85/16 only go to E rating.  Only thing better might be the Michelin tire with the 2 steel belts in the sidewalls.

I do have to ask what are the recommended numbers on your tow vehicles and your pulled rigs?  How do they compare to the manufacture recomendations?  I think if the truth were known 8 or 9 out of 10 recreational vehicles are grossly overloaded.

I adjusted the air in my bags to the point where I am making full contact on my first overload then 5 lbs more.  Just my opinion there.
joeinnm said:
that is the number straight off the door post.  Main thing in weighing I was concerned about the front wheel weight, now I am not too concerned. ..... I am not overly concerned.

Can you explain to us why you're "not too concerned" that you're 3200 pounds over your trucks weight limit?

In your post you listed front and rear "recommended" weights. There are NO recommended weights. Those are MAX LIMITS.

Your truck's brakes are designed to stop the truck's GVWR and nothing more. If someone pulls out in front of you, how do you purpose to stop your over weight vehicle? I hope for your sake you have good insurance because the lawyers for the person you hit will be taking you to the cleaners.

And we wonder why some states want RVs to go through the scales.

#1 If you are going to try and drive my rig, you better get up early and do a little 30 minute or so stretching and strength training routine, usually some squats, pull-ups, push-ups and then I am blindfolded and my wife spins me around and around till I am stumbling down dizzy.  When I am able to put the key in the door and unlock it, we are ready to start up and go.  I added this comment to set the rest of the story.  I hope you are not to thin skinned, because if you are I don't give a rip.

if you take the truck gvwr at 9200 lbs, total the front and the rear and you come up with 4600 + 6084 = 10684, are you ok with that ?  Subtract  the actual weight of my rig at 12400 from 10684 = 1716lbs......  not a bothersome figure.  So which figure is correct.

You want to meet somewhere and we can take my rig and yours and we can do several panic stop scenarios, I would like to see how they compare.  I take very good care of my vehicle and I would not even begin to be able to tell you how many miles I have put on the road,  I am not some dumb asss 9-5 clock puncher who has no clue what to do with an overheight or large weight load.  The only way you are going to see my name in the papers is if I meet an unexperienced driver of a mega 5th wheel driving on the yellow line because he is worried about keeping his coffe cup level and his cell phone to his ear and his stereo and a/c adjusted.  Look through the windshield at the average age of the snowbirders herding their rig north or southbound.  I am 51, not 83.  Besides that is why I have insurance and the insurance company has lawyers and I am under double Nevada incorporation with no personal property or anything traceable, I hope you ahve the same, because we live in a world where greedy ambulance chasing lawyers prey on those grieving and anyone who has had any kind of misfortune that can be twisted and turned into someone else's fault.  Usually those who have a pocket, doesn't have to be deep, just a pocket.

Hey, tell me about your rig ?  Have you weighed it ?  What is it manufacture recommeded hauling and tow weight ?  Have you added any power or safety enhancements?  Lets talk.......are you worried when you see me coming towards you on a narrow road or should I be worried about you?  Nothing personal, I hope you will take my comments in stride and know that I am serious in making them but I have a good sense of humor as well and doing some good natured heckling.
All I can say, joeinnm, is "Good Luck". 

My motorhome? Yes I've weighed it and it's 700 lbs under its 22,000 lb GVWR and 1600 lbs under its 26,000 lb GCWR. No axle is overloaded nor is any tire.
joeinnm said:
if you take the truck gvwr at 9200 lbs, total the front and the rear and you come up with 4600 + 6084 = 10684, are you ok with that ?? Subtract? the actual weight of my rig at 12400 from 10684 = 1716lbs......? ?not a bothersome figure.? ?So which figure is correct.

Nobody is trying to drive your rig for you and I don't think anyody with any concern for their own and others safety would drive your rig if it is as overloaded as your numbers indicate.

According to your numbers you are 3200 lbs over weight.? The GVWR is the maximum weight a vehicle is approved for not the total of the axle weights.

Folks are safety consious and if your weights are as you have indicated operating at 3200 lbs over the GVWR is jepardizing the safety of the driver, any passengers and anybody on the highway nearby a vehicle operating under these conditions.? ?Aside from that the driver is the one responsible for operating a vehicle legally and not doing so places the driver in serious libility exposure should an accident occur.

Hey, tell me about your rig ?? Have you weighed it ?? What is it manufacture recommeded hauling and tow weight ?? Have you added any power or safety enhancements?? Lets talk.......are you worried when you see me coming towards you on a narrow road or should I be worried about you?? Nothing personal, I hope you will take my comments in stride and know that I am serious in making them but I have a good sense of humor as well and doing some good natured heckling.

The GVWR of our motorhome is 32000 LBS and the GCVWR is 42000 LBS? we normally operate the MH between 28000 and 30400 except when going to a boondocking event where we have full water tank with the fresh water tank full and ful fuel and propane tanks with the way we are loaded the total weight is 31200.? well below the GVWR of 32000lbs.? With a 4500 lb toad our maximum combined weight 35700 LBS is? well below the? GCWR of 42000.? So yes if I knew sombody was operating an over weight vehicle coming towards me or coming from behind me I would be concerned and justly so.

Yes we have had our MH weighed several times and have a very good handle on what weights we are operating at.? I can Guarentee you we will not be operating at even a 100 LBS oiver the GVWR
joeinnm said:
Hey, tell me about your rig ?  Have you weighed it ?  What is it manufacture recommeded hauling and tow weight ?  Have you added any power or safety enhancements?

Yes, I have had my 38' MH weighed. We are not full timers but these weights were taken with the MH loaded for our 6 month long summer trip. The MH power wise is stock from the factory.

Front axel GAWR  9500
Actual weight        8300

Rear axel GAWR  19500
Actual weight      16750

MH GVWR          29000
Actual weight      25050

Lets talk.......are you worried when you see me coming towards you on a narrow road or should I be worried about you?

I'll be worried about you coming at me. With a vehicle that overloaded, I have no idea when you are going to blow a tire and wind up in my lane. As for me, you don't have to worry. With over 11 years (accident free) of experience driving a tour bus for a major tour company I think I can keep it in my lane.

Have a good day
I am glad to hear that those who advocate weighing are following their own advise.  I was somewhat tongue in cheek.  I doubt there are many cabover campers who are under gross weight on the road.  I am not in a panic mode yet.  I do feel safe driving it myself, time will tell.  Rest assured I will take your advice and see what things I can unload to help.

I never did ask what you thought of my toad though, it is a Suzuki Samarai with 5 inch lift and 31 inch tires......LOL

see ya down the road.
Sounds to me  a disaster looking for a place to happen.  Control is going to be a major factor in MHO.  Hope you are way in front or way behind me on the road.  I foresee major troubles with the set up.       
Like I said you are a disaster looking to happen and I'll close with that.  Just stay away from concerned people,  If you want to destroy yourself and your family,go ahead just don't take someone else's with you.  I'm done with nonsense, and feel we're talking to a wall.  Luck and help is beyond those that can't understand.
Shayne, come back, If you were offering some new info I would of not been so were piling on and a broken record.  I just love concerned people, they have lots of good advice kinda like a chihuahua.

What are the weights on your rig ? 

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