Are there RV parks open in the Gulf Coast area?

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New member
Oct 6, 2005
Hi, this is Pat and we're new. We are strongly considering moving to the Gulf Coast area to work with the reconstruction.  We want to be able to take the little Itasca we have and trailer our motorcycles or something. (We are still working that out).  I am concerned with what is available down there.  Are there any parks with hookups open?  I'm thinking southern Mississippi.

Can any one help or direct me on where to look?


How do I add that little sign off message you guys have...what rv, pets etc?
Well Pat, I can't answer about the parks along the Gulf Coast, but I can tell you how to get the "sign-off".  Go into your profile (the third little blue button across the top), edit your profile, and enter the information you want in the "signature" section.  Easy as that.  Be srue and save it first, by hitting the "change profile" button at the bottom of the page.
Thanks Ed, I'll try to get something on there.

FEMA has taken up the majority of the parks, private & state owned. This includes ms., La. & parts of Alabama. If you stay north of the coast by about 30 mile you will be able to find a place to park. Good Luck
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