Are we the youngest fulltimers?

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Oct 19, 2006
My wife and I have been full time RVing for over two years now (are we the youngest FTs here? 36yo) and have a great site compiling our travels and favorite things and a place for others to post theirs. If you are bored check it out at Have a good one!
Oops, it looks like nobody responded to your message. Let me offer a belated welcome to our forum. We've had a number of "young" fulltimers on the forum in addition to young folks who spend up to a year or so at a time in their RV.
hamiltonrandy said:
(are we the youngest FTs here? 36yo)

Many of us are very young at heart!  Age is a relative thing I guess.  I believe anyone involved in the RV Lifestyle will remain youthful and excited about life.  Glad you could join us.  We note in our rallies that age does not seem to be a factor in our happy times. Some of the oldest are the most fun.  Of course we have heard their stories over and over!  (Just kidding) Most of us can't remember the stories from one years campfire to another anyway.

hamiltonrandy said:
My wife and I have been full time RVing for over two years now (are we the youngest FTs here? 36yo) and have a great site compiling our travels and favorite things and a place for others to post theirs. If you are bored check it out at Have a good one!

You seem to be the youngest here, but I have seen even younger out on the road.  A lot of folks in the construction and oil field trades full time whole families.
Wow, that is young, where do you mostly travel to? And thank you to all the people that welcomed me here. I hope to share some great tips/stories and learn a thing or two as well.
Well, small confession:? I live in the RV while I go to school.? I couldn't afford rent so close to the Mississippi gulf coast.? I do however take full advantage of having a house on wheels.? During the last round of tests I drove the RV to school instead of my VW and took naps inbetween tests and used the time i saved not driving home to study.? College campuses are pretty good about having a free wastewater dump station nearby.? On weekends I go to state parks in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana.? This year for spring break some friends and I will be taking a roadtrip to the west, probably New Mexico or Arizona, someplace warm but not crowded by Drunken fools.? I have always wanted to see the country and this is how I plan on it.  I am also a Seasonal Employee at Disney, and have to work at least 40 hours a year.  I already have the RV so why pay for a hotel room?

I don't have a generator, but the only thing I would need it for is the A/C.? I camp until the propane is gone and then go home.
Will said:
I live in the RV while I go to school.

That makes a lot of sense, given the cost of housing. Do you actually camp in the college parking lot, or do they have a designated camping area?
I rarely actually camp on campus.  My Dad's family has an old farm about 20 miles away from school that I have full hookups at.  The campus does have RV parking for games but they charge per day for those because they have basic water and electrical hookup, and those are intended for sports games so the alumni have a place to park their yachts, not my little dinghy.  My rig is about the same size as a LWB F350 so I just park it in student parking, I registered it with the campus police as a Toyota Truck. ;D

I am a Management Information Systems major.
Will said:
My Dad's family has an old farm about 20 miles away from school that I have full hookups at.

Will, that's very convenient!
yep, licensed tech plus since 1998.  I don't operate much anymore since 2 of my radios broke, leaving only a weak handheld that doesn't reach repeaters from the country.

I think there are other students in town who are also living in RVs, but I haven't met any of them yet.
If it were convienent and the Grandson was in his Juniior or senior year here at ASU I'd consider giving him our Motorhome for the same reasons you mentioned but at 6.5 miles per gal he won't be dong too much traveling so a trailer might be better.  Don't think I want to sponsor his trips the way he travels.
When I went to college I am not aware of any students who lived in RV's and the thought never crossed my mind. Did know a few students who lived in their cars for a while. Seems like such a great idea....especially in warmer climates. Sure could have saved a lot of money staying in an RV ::)

I have a general class and mainly work 20 and 15 CW. Never got the repeater bug though, although it is very practical for fulltimers. Sad thing is that I do have a 2 meter rig :)

Thanks for increasing my knowledge base ;)

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