Are you buying the fish you think you are

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2016
Now I am assuming you buy fish in addition to catching them. 

The USA Today had an article that says about a THIRD of fish purchased at restaurants and supermarkets is mislabeled as some other kind.  I believe it.
Most of those fish are not fish, they are sharks. If they put shark on the menu no one will order it. So they simply relabel it something else and no one is the wiser. It really isn't a big deal, shark tastes great.
Back in the day, at the fish & chip shops in the olde country, cod was always served. When north sea cod became less available, they started serving "rock cod", which was dogfish. Most folks didn't notice because of all the heavy batter and the deep frying.
Tom said:
Back in the day, at the fish & chip shops in the olde country, cod was always served. When north sea cod became less available, they started serving "rock cod", which was dogfish. Most folks didn't notice because of all the heavy batter and the deep frying.

and grease which was suppose to absorbed by the cone shaped newspaper it came wrapped in after frying. At least in Scotland.
SeilerBird said:
It really isn't a big deal

I'd have to disagree - it's a huge deal. There are two reasons this happens, either the buyer doing the sourcing fails to thoroughly investigate his/her sources or (which I believe is the majority case) it's outright fraud - the substitution of a much cheaper fish/shark, no matter how tasty, for a more expensive one the consumer thinks they are getting, and for which they are paying top dollar. Example, some cheap whitefish (for example, Alaskan Sablefish) substituted for Chilean Sea Bass which I've seen for upwards of $30/lb. at the store, and double or triple that at a restaurant.

It's no different than telling a customer they're getting Michelins when in fact they're getting Hankooks (but paying for Michelins!) Hankooks might be a pretty good tire, but they sell for much less than Michelins and the tire buyer should know what they're getting.
Sun2Retire said:
I'd have to disagree - it's a huge deal. There are two reasons this happens, either the buyer doing the sourcing fails to thoroughly investigate his/her sources or (which I believe is the majority case) it's outright fraud - the substitution of a much cheaper fish/shark, no matter how tasty, for a more expensive one the consumer thinks they are getting, and for which they are paying top dollar. Example, some cheap whitefish (for example, Alaskan Sablefish) substituted for Chilean Sea Bass which I've seen for upwards of $30/lb. at the store, and double or triple that at a restaurant.

It's no different than telling a customer they're getting Michelins when in fact they're getting Hankooks (but paying for Michelins!) Hankooks might be a pretty good tire, but they sell for much less than Michelins and the tire buyer should know what they're getting.

I agree - it is a big deal when you are lied to about what you are buying.  Also, I like the tire analogy.  You would never really know but you got taken advantage of!
I plead guilty! Years ago, I was traveling in the waters around Vancouver Island by sailboat with several friends who were in their boats. As we transited Barclay Sound from Tofino to Bamfield, I threw a line in the water, hoping to catch a salmon. Instead I caught a dogfish shark about 4' long. I landed it, unhooked it and tossed it in the dinghy I was towing. When we reached our destination, I remembered the shark and got it out of the dink and filleted it.

I soaked the meat in a solution of water and lemon juice for several hours and then breaded it and fried it. It was delicious. So after dinner, I took a platter of it to the other boats and asked if anyone wanted to try some Icelandic cod. They all said yes and were amazed at how good it tasted.

Someone asked, "Where did you get Icelandic cod?" I told them what they had eaten, and they all said, "Ugh! Dogfish?" But then they all had to admit it was delicious. Sometimes, our prejudices keep us from enjoying the finer things in life!
Rene T said:
and grease which was suppose to absorbed by the cone shaped newspaper it came wrapped in after frying. At least in Scotland.

Yes, but my,my,my was it good!
When we were at Elgin AFB I ate a lot of shark in Destin. It was good but not near as good as grouper. We don't buy much fish to cook at home and to tell,you the truth not at restaurants either. We have place we go here in Delaware that has some of the best shrimp,I've ever had. And I'm from Florida. At least I think they're shrimp.
Ok, don't keep a place that has good shrimp a secret. Where is it? I love shrimp.  I'm not a big fan of seafood, but I've been told Bigfish Grill in Wilmington is excellent.
DearMissMermaid said:
Best shrimp in the whole wide world is in Beaufort, South Carolina  ;D
I have to agree that SC has some good shrimp, when we lived in Myrtle Beach, we used to take a castnet and catch our own shrimp, Just north of Dover there is a wonderful crab place I believe it is on little creek, I know how to get there and visit it when in Dover.
We have friends in Beaufort, one pretty much lives on the water, the other splits time between water and land. Might have to see if they can ship some fresh shrimp to me. I'm getting hungry ;D
gwcowgill said:
I have to agree that SC has some good shrimp, when we lived in Myrtle Beach, we used to take a castnet and catch our own shrimp, Just north of Dover there is a wonderful crab place I believe it is on little creek, I know how to get there and visit it when in Dover.

Your are thinking about Sambos just outside Dover in Liepsic. We like Seafood City better. It's in Felton. If you are ever traveling up I-95 just north of Jacksonville is Mayport. There is a little restaurant on the water, I believe it's Singlton's Seafood Shack 4728 Ocean Street Jacksonville, Fl 32233. Best shrimp ever!
Oldgator73 said:
Your are thinking about Sambos just outside Dover in Liepsic. We like Seafood City better. It's in Felton. If you are ever traveling up I-95 just north of Jacksonville is Mayport. There is a little restaurant on the water, I believe it's Singlton's Seafood Shack 4728 Ocean Street Jacksonville, Fl 32233. Best shrimp ever!
I have eaten in both, Leipsic we like the crabs or at least my wife does, SeaFood City we ate at the last trip to Dover and my wife liked it also. I am not a big crab eater my self but I have to keep mama happy. I might have to try the Mayport place when we go north. Is their a FAMCAMP there? I will have to look in the Mil directory.
Just over the Florida/Georgia line is Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base. I did my college internship MWR there in 2002. They were building a FamCamp when we left to go north. It's Eagle Hammock RV Park. They have 62 sites. The sites are situated around a 220 acre lake.

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