Are you still using your Kindles?

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I made a cover for mine.  It's more of a case.  Slips on like a pillow case.  Has a vinyl front, so I can read through it. I left an opening in the bottom for charging.  Put tabs with D rings on top, and made a strap, that goes around my neck. I balance my Kindle on my chest, and I don't have to hold it while sitting in passenger seat going down the road.

Cause of my meds I can't drive, so this way using text to speech, I can see the scenery, help keep an eye on the road ahead, and read at the same time.

I wish my allergies would quit acting up and making my eyes water.

Question:  has anyone removed recently read books from their table of contents? And what happens to them?

has anyone removed recently read books from their table of contents? And what happens to them?

If you delete a book using the content manager, it's simply deleted.

I keep a copy of all my books on my computer in a Kindle folder.  I have a folder there called Kindle Read where I move the books that I've finished.  I have the same Kindle Read folder on the Kindle on the SD card that I replicate from the computer.  I rarely use the Content Manager on the Kindle to remove items, I just plug it in using the USB cable and do all the file moving on the computer.  Of course, having a 2GB SD card makes this more manageable.
Plus, you can redownload any book that you have already purchased from the Kindle store for free.

Oberon Design has some VERY swanky covers for the Kindle and Kindle 2.

As for airmiles to Kindle books, can't you get Amazon gift cards?  I know that at some point I traded some of mine in for an Amazon gift card.  I think it was Northwest's program.
Barb:  Could you post a picture(s) of your Kindle cover (preferably while wearing it).  It's a whole new concept that would be interesting to folks in the Amz Kindle discussion groups.

I remove every book immediately after reading it.  Amz saves them for downloading to Kindle or PC in your digital content library.  I also get into the digital content and download any new purchases (they can be sorted and come up by most recent purchases) to my hard drive.  I also back them up on my external backup systems.  They can be restored to the Kindle with the USB connection or redownloaded from my Amz library.

Jon:  The Oberon Kindle covers are unique.  I should Google Kindle covers.  There must be a burgeoning industry out there by now.  I have the M-Edge and am satisfied. 

I'm concerned about the corner attachments on the Oberon covers.  They extend over the K1 buttons, which causes unintentional button actions.  I need to see how the velcro optioin works.

Well, I took the plunge and got Rosemary a Kindle 2 (with leather cover) for birthday/anniversary/Mothers Day present..  so far (since yesterday), it's a tremendous hit.  She reads a lot, and has already downloaded a couple books and subscribed to a couple magazines.  I am basking in the glow of appreciation.  :)    And with a capacity of 1,500 books, she can download a couple books a week for roughly 15 years and still have them all in the palm of her hand.  Not bad.  Hope she doesn't drop the Kindle under the wheels of the MH though..  or into the bathtub. 

Life is good.  ...  Steve
Thanks for this discussion.  I do not have a kindle yet as we are not traveling much due to Dan still gainfully employed.  I read a lot and check out books from library - free.  But, I can see when Dan retires I will be need something and after reading your happiness with the kindle I have been looking at them.  It appears the kindle reader is more expensive but the books are cheaper compared to the Sony. 

I found this site for covers:  Not as special as Oberon covers.


OK, I'll try to get a photo.


There isn't a slot for a storage card on  the Kindle 2. The 2 gb storage card is built in.  Also no removable battery.  And if you charge your Kindle by the USB, you cannot read at the same time.

Not a Kindle, not really a library, but if you take along a couple books, read them and most CG's have swap libraries.  Not always what you are looking for, but I always find something, and find new to me authors. 

I still plan on a kindle eventually.  I have the function on my itouch, have read a number of books on it.  I would like a larger screen though.
Barb, Thanks.

I had NOT noticed on all the add for the K2 just what it did not have. Like my 1st edition just fine. No need to upgrade.

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