Atwood water heater smells

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2017
Brooklyn, MI
I have a Atwood model GC10A-4E water heater in my fiver and the water smells bad. I drained the water heater and the water smells. When I drained the fresh water system no smell. I flushed the water heater and it still has a faint smell after three rinses. Theer is no anode rod just the plastic drain plug. Anyone have any ideas.
sc4668 said:
I have a Atwood model GC10A-4E water heater in my fiver and the water smells bad. I drained the water heater and the water smells. When I drained the fresh water system no smell. I flushed the water heater and it still has a faint smell after three rinses. Theer is no anode rod just the plastic drain plug. Anyone have any ideas.

Yes, sanitize your entire system including the fresh water tank. The reason there's no anode rod is because Atwood heaters do not need it.
Put bleach in you fresh water tank at a ratio of 1/4 cup of bleach to every 15 gallons of water. Then run it trough all your faucets until you smell the bleach. Also fill your water heater with this solution. Let it sit for a few hours then dump and flush the system. After filling the system, I usually add another 1/4 cup of bleach and top off the tank with fresh water.
Atwood recommends closing the valves in the back, the n filling with distilled vinegar, run it through a few hot/cold cycles, then drain. Use a
flushing wand afterward to get the junk out
I just finished bleaching filling running water through all faucet and water heater . Rinsed two more times then used some fresh water additive I got from Walley Word filled fresh water tank and ran water again through faucets and water heater. Water smells so fresh how. Thanks for advise.
That is probably sufficient, but you should really sanitize the entire water system when this happens.  The little microbes that cause the stink thrive in the hot water, but are often present throughout the water system.  They generally do not smell in cool water, though.  If the smell comes back ina few weeks or months, sanitize all the plumbing, not just the heater tank.

There are sanitizing instructions in the RVforum Library.
Gary RV_Wizard said:
That is probably sufficient, but you should really sanitize the entire water system when this happens.  The little microbes that cause the stink thrive in the hot water, but are often present throughout the water system.  They generally do not smell in cool water, though.  If the smell comes back ina few weeks or months, sanitize all the plumbing, not just the heater tank.

There are sanitizing instructions in the RVforum Library.

Gary, you may have missed it but the OP said "I just finished bleaching filling running water through all faucet and water heater" so I assume the entire system was done.
Since he didn't mention the fresh tank, I interpreted that to mean he did the heater and ran the water out the HOT faucet(s).  Upon re-reading, I see that he probably meant all the faucets, i.e. the whole system.  Mea culpa.
Correct complete system has been sanitized. I think I got some bad water when we were in Laughlin NV in May. Thanks again for all the reply's.
"Bad water" covers a of territory.  Please know that this is a common bacteria that is NOT harmful to humans or pets.  It thrives in hot water unless it is chlorinated well and fairly easily passed around.  It is seldom encountered at home because "city" water supplies are well-sanitized and pretty much sealed all the way to your faucet, but campground systems and RVs are more exposed, bith physically and through numerous traveling RVs.  Especially with the last 25 feet an above ground faucet plus a hose lying in the sun to get nice and hot.
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