Audrey's poem "Left at the Flying J"

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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2006
He left me at the Flying J, this was the start of our perfect day.? I went into the gift shop,
while he got gas in the RV to continue on our trip.? I shopped and shopped till my hearts content,
not knowing I was in the store, he left me at the Flying J, and went on his way.
I thought he was taking a long time to fuel up, so he must be taking the dog for a potty break.
I paid for my night shirt with hearts and love written on the front of it, and went outside, to find
I was stranded at the Flying J, in Amarillo, Texas. For Petes' Sake.
I looked and looked,but he was no where in sight. I thought, now this is a fright.
I only have thirteen dollars with me and no ID.? Who do I know in Texas that can help me?
I went back inside to ask if anyone had a cell phone that I could call my forgetful husband,
because he went off and left me,here? at the Flying J.
A nice man let me use his phone and I called my husband. He said, " Yes, I know and I'm trying to get back"
He was going down the interstate about 10 miles down and no place to turn around.
He finally got on a dirt road and it was a dead end, and no pace to turn around in that big RV and pulling a big trailer.
He somehow got on another road and going the wrong way, so he went across the highway and the trailer jack-knifed,
damaging the back corner of the RV and the front of the trailer.? It wasn't too bad.? It could have been worse.
He finally got back to the Flying J and picked me up. He said, he thought I was in the bathroom of the RV when he left.
He finally started calling me and realized that he had left me at the Flying J.

Now we need someone to put that to music Country Western Style and get the residuals for the Flying J.? Toby Keith or Gretchen Wilson? would seem to fit that type of agenda.? Man I missed my chance, maybe I should have kept on going? HEHEHE.,? ?Wouldn't have missed her, but I was calling for her to bring me a sandwich and a bottle of water.? ?SHHHHHH bout that.

Hope this rings a bell and brings back memories to some of you.

Sorry about the space and time element.? I'm not the best typist as you well can see.

Hope the Framily enjoys.
Gee Shayne you didn't have to leave Audrey at the Flying J just to entertain us. ;D  Thanks for sharing.  I hope Cliff picks up on this. I think it would make a great RVing song or a great addition to the one Tom is going to sing at Moab. 
Thanks for sharing Audrey's poem Shayne.

I sure hope Chris never leaves me at a Flying J. She might just keep on going  :(
Just hope everyone enjoys it, cause it was harder for me to type it, then it was for her to write it.  Next time I'm not even calling or looking back. 
Think she actually enjoyed it.  Would be fun seeing it in lyrics.  Maybe she should send it into Reader's Digest and Flying J.
One of my Buddies said I should have just pulled over to the side of the road and let her walk to catch up.  That way she'd learn how much time she has to shop, instead to looking at everything 6 or 7 times.  Needless to say that didn't goe over very good.  Soon as the lumps on myh head heal, I've got to get even with that guyl
Shayne said:
He left me at the Flying J, this was the start of our perfect day.  I went into the gift shop,
while he got gas in the RV to continue on our trip.  I shopped and shopped till my hearts content,
not knowing I was in the store, he left me at the Flying J, and went on his way.
I thought he was taking a long time to fuel up, so he must be taking the dog for a potty break.
I paid for my night shirt with hearts and love written on the front of it, and went outside, to find
I was stranded at the Flying J, in Amarillo, Texas. For Petes' Sake.
I looked and looked,but he was no where in sight. I thought, now this is a fright.
I only have thirteen dollars with me and no ID.  Who do I know in Texas that can help me?
I went back inside to ask if anyone had a cell phone that I could call my forgetful husband,
because he went off and left me,here  at the Flying J.
A nice man let me use his phone and I called my husband. He said, " Yes, I know and I'm trying to get back"

He was going down the interstate about 10 miles down and no place to turn around.
He finally got on a dirt road and it was a dead end, and no pace to turn around in that big RV and pulling a big trailer.
He somehow got on another road and going the wrong way, so he went across the highway and the trailer jack-knifed,
damaging the back corner of the RV and the front of the trailer.  It wasn't too bad.  It could have been worse.
He finally got back to the Flying J and picked me up. He said, he thought I was in the bathroom of the RV when he left.
He finally started calling me and realized that he had left me at the Flying J.

Now we need someone to put that to music Country Western Style and get the residuals for the Flying J.  Toby Keith or Gretchen Wilson  would seem to fit that type of agenda.  Man I missed my chance, maybe I should have kept on going  HEHEHE.,  Wouldn't have missed her, but I was calling for her to bring me a sandwich and a bottle of water.  SHHHHHH bout that.

Hope this rings a bell and brings back memories to some of you.

Sorry about the space and time element.  I'm not the best typist as you well can see.

Hope the Framily enjoys.

Is this a true story?
Absolutely Cliff this is a true story.  Happened 1st part of April this year 2006  We still continue to laugh about it.
Cliff was wondering if this was a true story, you said yes happened in April 06 and still laughing about it, BUT are you laughing as you travel.  Are you still traveling with the man that left you at the Flyin J?!  (Next time if you get left make it a Walmart at least better selection of items  ;D).
We left our puppy in a campground one morning. After that I do not even want to think about what would happen if it was Sue. :p :p
Jeff  Are you telling me that Sue souldn't get a laugh out of that?  Audrey thought it was funny and I was the one that was a nervous wreck.  All wierd things went through my mind until I talked to her on the phone.  Aftter the lumps on the head went down, I think things are fine.  I hope  LOL. After we gotr to ILLINOIS for a month  I think everyone in the statre heard about it.  On the return trip, I certainly mad sure she was on board when I got ready to leave each stop, especially in Amarillo.  Definitely couldn't and wouldn't even think of leaving TiKi.  Jeff when you returning to AZ ?Smoky will be back in about a month or so.

Not sure Sue would see much humor in it. ;D

We'll be back just before Christmas and then fly to Hawaii for the holidays.
Nice poem.
We are new RVers and pulled into the flying J and didn't see the RV filling station off to the left.  We stayed where we were(blocking the driveway but you could get around us) trying to figure out how to go into the pumps and get out.  Went ahead and went in but had to back out with our 36 5er.  John had to go out on the two lane and stop traffic for me to back out and turn around.  Cop went by but didn't stop us.  I am sure the motorhome that had stopped for us understood our problem and hope the people from the other direction were understanding.  Hope I don't make that mistake again. ;D
We sure have problems fueling up, sometimes even at the Flying Js. We are 65' long and it gets touchy sometimes.  Some of those dips coming off the roads and some of the bends in the stations sure aren't made for us.  I'd buy a diesel, but no more than we driver an more, and the fact that we really like what we have, we just don't see paying out the bucks to buy a diesel and upgrading.  Just don't make sense to me.  I can buy a lot of gas for the 15 to 20K more money not including the upgrade and year difference. Ours does everything we need it to do and for a 98 it only has  minus 30K miles on it.  That being said,  sure would love to have an American Drean.  We'll see.
Pace Arrow 37 1/2' plus 3 1/2' tongue on 24' enclosed trailer, with Lincoln Town Car and tool shop inside.  Way I figure, Old Math style, adds up to 65'.  Sometimes rough to get around in truck stops for a Gas job.
By the way  Cliff  How's the music to the poem coming?  Just curious.

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