Auto air levelling

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Jan 13, 2005
I hear a pump kind of noise periodically coming from some of our neighbors' coaches, which I assumed was their water pump. Chris was on board one of the coaches when the noise occurred and, when she asked what it was, the owner said it was the auto air levelling system. He said that the system automatically re-levels the coach every few hours. I'm left wondering why, if the coach hasn't moved and if there's no air leak, the coach would need re-levelling. Can anyone shed any light on this?
Hi Tom,
Some older air bags can become porous and over time will lose air, the system checks for level every few minutes and will turn an electric air pump on to correct this.

Thanks Jerry. One of thes coaches is only a year old, but I wonder if there's a leak the owner doesn't know about.
Tom said:
if the coach hasn't moved and if there's no air leak, the coach would need re-levelling. Can anyone shed any light on this?


If you put a few forum guys on the couch and then have them move to the other side of the MH, the air system will try to compensate for the weight shift.  ;D

The coach maintains level whenever there is enough weight shift in the coach, as when somebody steps on the entry step.  Sometimes this leveling action involves bleeding some air from some of the air bags.  When the weight distribution changes again additional air may be added to the airbags that were previously bled off.  Thus the electric compressor is used to resupply air bled off.  The air compressor also replaces air air that may have leaked out over time due to small leakage.
Ron said:
The coach maintains level whenever there is enough weight shift in the coach

That makes sense Ron. I assume that, when I hear the pump go off in the middle of the night, it means the guy rolled over in bed  ;D
Tom said:
That makes sense Ron. I assume that, when I hear the pump go off in the middle of the night, it means the guy rolled over in bed? ;D

The bigger the guy the more likely you'll hear the pump. ;D
Just found out that one of those neighbors doesn't have air levielling. He rigged a small compressor and an air cylinder to raise the bed. I didn't ask why he'd need to raise the bed in the middle of the night  ;D
Maybe he has a medical condition that makes it difficult to get out of the bed or that is eased by changing the bed position like raising the head of the bed.  Maybe he has it rigged to rock him asleep. ;D

In any case the air leveling works as I described.
Ron said:
eased by changing the bed position like raising the head of the bed.

His bed, like ours, doesn't allow raising the head. He specifically told me his mod was done to allow him to get access to the storage area beneath the bed because, like ours, prior to his mod it was difficult to raise it. I wonder if he kicks his wife out of bed before pressing the switch. I know I can't manually raise ours until Chris gets up, so I try to anticipate what I need before we go to bed. She really isn't a happy camper if I need something under there before she's awake &/or ready to get up.

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