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Feb 19, 2007
We recently purchased a 1998 Cardinal 5th wheel, our first one.  We made the deal in the dead of winter, with the unit covered in snow, in below zero temps, on the dealers lot.  It was represented to us in perfect condition.  When we did the walk through prior to delivery, which will not be until May, we noticed three significant tears in the visible part of the rolled up awning.  They are taped over with a white tape.  One is 12" long and approximately 4 " wide.  There are two others visible, which are smaller. 

The awning could not be opened, as they packed the unit a few feet away from the next one.  There could be more.  The dealer, who for now will remain nameless, is balking at replacing the fabric.  I would also like to note that when we looked at the unit initially, the saleswoman was too busy with a "customer" to go out with us.  We did the best we could, under the circumstances, as we liked the unit. 

The owner of the dealership told us that he would "look at it", and if it was serviceable, would do nothing.  We think that is unreasonable, considering the price of the replacement fabric is under $200.00 at retail cost.  I realize that the unit is 9 years old, and the awning was not part of the deal when signed, but in all fairness, how could it have been?  The unit was 2 feet from the one next to it, and was covered in a foot of snow, awning included.  We took them at their word that it was in perfect condition.

Any suggestions? 

Just stay on him. And ask him to view this forum so he can get a ear and eye full. 
Unfortunately Frosty, it may be a "lesson learned" thing.  However, if the dealer is good, and you keep on him, basically make him feel guilty about the whole thing, he may relent and replace it.  It sounds like he is under no obligation to, other than a bit of misrepresentation (dang that's a big word).  I hope you get him to replace it though.  It sounds like a nice unit.  Good luck!
One other suggestion Frosty is that, since you will be getting a new fabric to replace a 9 yr. old one, you suggest to pay for half the cost of the new fabric. That might break the deadlock.

It was represented to us in perfect condition.

If they will admit to that statement, you should get a replacement awning fabric. But I doubt they will admit to those words.

When you buy a used RV, you get what you see plus any repairs noted in the sale contract.  Basically, if you didn't see it, shame on you (no offense intended - it's impossible to see everything).  Normally unless the contract says "as is", everything is to be in working condition, which is where the dealer's use of the term "functional" comes in.  Whether an awning repaired with strips of tape is "functional" is a matter of interpretation. I suspect a small claims court would side with you, if you were to take it that far.

Keep leaning on the dealer - unless he is a real sleaze (unfortunately many are) he should offer at least partial payment. Accept anything you can get unless you are willing to go the small claims court route. Or decline to accept delivery on the basis of misrepresentation.
Thanks for the input, and you are all correct, he is under no obligation to replace it.  I would however, offer to pay for a portion of the replacement cost.  If I have to, I would replace it myself.
Is it reallt easy to replace?

Thanks again!
I would have someone who knows what they are doing involved. Setting the tension on the internal spring can cause injuries if you aren't careful.
The dealer replaced the awning fabric!  It must have been really nasty when they opened it. I guess there are a few honest guys left out there. Thanks for the advice!
Thrilled that things worked out for you.  Guess when they opened it up they were so embarrassed they had to replace it.  Good for you. 

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