Back up FF bookmarks

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Jan 13, 2005
Anyone know how to make a backup copy of bookmarks in Firefox?

Find your Firefox profile (mine is in K:\Documents and Settings\nreiter\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\c2ugur35.default) and copy the bookmarks.html file.
Found it, thanks Ned. I had so many folders & sub-folders under Documents & Settings I couldn't see the forest for the tress.
Tom said:
Found it, thanks Ned. I had so many folders & sub-folders under Documents & Settings I couldn't see the forest for the tress.

I'll soon be in the same fix.  I've started scanning all of my bank and credit card statements and other important data to files in the My Doccuments section.  Using BMP B&W scans each document is 1031 KB in size.  I want to be able to call them up if needed at a later date and print them out.  Any suggestions for a better scan format? ???
I just ordered Paperport 10 which now saves in a PDF format.  Is backward compatible to retreive from its old MAX format.

It sounds good.  Should have the disk in a day or two.  The MAX format is hard to use were the PDF is more of a standard and easily transmitted???


fredethomas said:
I just ordered Paperport 10 which now saves in a PDF format. Is backward compatible to retreive from its old MAX format.

It sounds good. Should have the disk in a day or two. The MAX format is hard to use were the PDF is more of a standard and easily transmitted???

My scanner will save in PDF format too.  I tried it and it works fine and much to my surprise gave a file size of only about 90KB.  But it is abominably slow to format and save the file after the scan.  I passed on small file size for "speed" (a very relative term  ;D).
I would recommend PDF too (sorry, Tom) as it is readable by the free Adobe Reader and doesn't require any special software.  PDF files will also print out exactly as they appear on the screen and there are tools available for manipulating PDF files like combining multiple PDFs into one PDF file, or splitting out pages from a PDF file.
Your scanner is probably generating a bitmap format or somethng close to it - I wouldn't be surprised if the file suffix is .BMP. Whatever it is, chances are you can open it readily with a standard image/graphics program like Irfanview and then save in another format such as Jpeg or Png. Choose a format that compresses data and you will see dramatic improvements and it will be much faster than conversion to PDF.

RV Roamer said:
Your scanner is probably generating a bitmap format or somethng close to it - I wouldn't be surprised if the file suffix is .BMP. Whatever it is, chances are you can open it readily with a standard image/graphics program like Irfanview and then save in another format such as Jpeg or Png. Choose a format that compresses data and you will see dramatic improvements and it will be much faster than conversion to PDF.

My Canon LIDE-80 scanner will generate files in most common foramts including jpg, png, bmp, pdf, etc.  I started out using the bmp format on the basis that I wnated to be able to use the OCR software to generate editable files in the future if so desired.  Today I scanned inour wills and durable power of attorney for health documents and used the pdf format.  It went surprisingly fast and generated files in the neighborhood of 100 KB.

I'll try a couple of documents in jpeg format and see how that goes.

Thanks for the suggestions.

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