Battery straps

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Bit Bucket

Jul 15, 2011
Brookings, Oregon
My batteries are in the usual plastic boxes sitting in a metal tray on the tongue. I currently have cloth straps with plastic buckles that are encircling the battery boxes and securing them to the frame. After checking my batteries the other day, I was tightening the straps back up when one of the plastic buckles broke. Although I replaced it with a spare, I am sure there is a better strap or method of securing my batteries. While I can try to find better quality straps with buckles, I am wondering what others do to secure their batteries.
Just about any auto parts store has battery hold down clamps. With a little fabricating you could use the hold down clamps like which are used in autos. They will not rot or break but will rust if not taken care of. I prefer them over any strap as the battery cannot tip over.
I have the exact set up and I tossed those straps 2 years ago and just have the battery box lids sitting on top of the batteries, no straps. I haven't lost a lid or had a battery move yet. If I were to strap them down I'd probably just use a bungee or a 6' thumb button release tie-down strap like I use for strapping down my atv.
Thanks for the replies. I think I will fab the metal screw down clamps in. I am not willing to risk what may happen if the batteries are just left to sit there, unsecured.
I use a cam strap for each battery. Google cam strap to see pictures. River runners use the same type of strap to keep everything in the boat when they flip. You should be able to buy the cam straps at wally world, or just about any big store. Especially any sporting goods store.

I also put a piece of plywood under the batteries to reduce vibration on the batteries. I don't know if it's needed.
CampFool said:
I use a cam strap for each battery. Google cam strap to see pictures. River runners use the same type of strap to keep everything in the boat when they flip. You should be able to buy the cam straps at wally world, or just about any big store. Especially any sporting goods store.

I also put a piece of plywood under the batteries to reduce vibration on the batteries. I don't know if it's needed.

Now that sounds like a good idea. I will investigate...
Thanks for the tip!
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