battries not keeping a charge

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New member
Aug 23, 2009
I have replaced the switch under where the batteries are, I have a 1984winnabego chieftan and the batteries will not hold a charge can any one help. thanks Mememe:
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Wow! Yellow is really tough!  :eek: Can't quite make it out with these old eyes!  :(

I have replaced the switch under where the batteries are, I have a 1984winnabego chieftan and the batteries will not hold a charge can any one help. thanks Mememe:

That helps.  ;D
I have an 1984 Winnabego Chieftan, I have replace the switch underneath where the battries are and it will not hold a charge, does anyone know why? Thank mememe :eek:[edit]merged duplicate thread[/edit]
Sorry, no the switch was bad it has been tested, that is why we replaced it, but the batteries still won't hold a charge, and the batteries have been recharged, not replaced, the belt on the alternator has been tighten and we replaced the main  switch(braker box) also that is inside the home, I just don't know where else to check, thank mememe :'
You need to determine if the batteries are being charged from the converter, when on shore power, and if they are being charged by the alternator when the MH engine is running.  The batteries wont hold a charge for very long if they are not being periodically recharged from one source or another.

Folks here would need to know if they are assisting with diagnosing a battery charging problem or a battery drain problem.
Sorry but I don't know anything about an '84 Chieftain. 

My next activity would be to take the batteries out and have them load-tested.  Gary asked an important question - what kind of batteries and do you know how old they are?  Please take the time to provide more information - how long have you owned your Chieftain?  Did you just purchase it and are trying to sort through problems, or have you owned it for a while?
The simplest reasons for a battery not holding a charge is (1) it is not getting a charge from whatever is supposed to charge it, or (2) the battery is bad.  You need to rule these two things out first.
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