Beaches with RV-friendly parking between Orlando and Jacksonville, FL? (Class A)

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Nov 28, 2017
I'll be driving a route that takes me from Orlando through Jacksonville today (passing Orlando in about an hour, actually).

The kids have never been to the ocean, so I thought I'd stop at a beach and get that checked off the list. I just realized that most beaches probably aren't going to have parking for a big class A motorhome...

Any recommendations? We're not picky. We just want to be able to let the kids dip their toes in the water and then get back on the road. Anywhere that lets us do this without getting stuck in the parking lot of perfect.

Thank you for any and all help!
FYI, we turn west in Jacksonville, so it'd be ideal if it was south of Jacksonville. I was thinking maybe of looking for a RV park with beach access, but it seems it'd be rude of me to ask them for access without paying (and the budget is too tight to pay for a spot we're not actually going to stay in).

Also, this is more about them being able to say they've seen/touched the ocean. Sand isn't even necessary, it's fine if it's a channel or something rather than honest open ocean, etc. Thanks!
Beverly Beach campground just north of Daytona, Gamble Rogers state park just south of there
Wizard46 said:
Beverly Beach campground just north of Daytona, Gamble Rogers state park just south of there

Do they both have pretty quick access to the water? We'd like to be in and out as quickly as possible. Also, do you know if there are costs?
My thanks!

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