Beginning rving

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Oct 22, 2005
Just on the verge  of retiring. BW and  I are new to rving just bought a 1999
Winnebago Chieftian, much to learn about the rv and rving. I came across this sight
and was amazed at the freedom of information given out by both experienced and new owners.

We are planning to do as much camping as we can next year, but have to winterize now and let it sit for the winter, bummer. 

Would like to hear from some of you with the same unit. I need to know as much as possible.

Thanks again


Welcome to our forum and congratulations on the Chieftain.
Welcome to the RV Forum and congratulations on your recent purchase.  I'm sure you will have some very enjoyable travels in it.
Hi Sunset,

Welcome to the forum. Hope you get all your questions answered.

If you are really new to RVing and not familiar with winterizing I would like to suggest having someone do it for you while you watch. It's easy to forget something and that can cause problems with broken fittings and water lines. It's not a difficult task but takes some thought. Usually when a repair center or dealer do the winterizing they will guarantee it. That way they have to fix anything that gets damaged. One thing not to forget is the outside shower! :)

Don't worry about asking questions, sunset,  You will be just like the rest of us and still be learning 10, 15, 20 years from now.  It definitely comes easier as time goes by.  Good luck and happy motoring.

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