Betty is home.

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Betty Brewer

Moderator Emeritus
Mar 10, 2005
Betty Brewer is here.? We are home from our Mexico trip and my wrist is healing.? Soon I will be able to post the final leg of the trip up Baja.

Welcome to the new forum home Betty.  I think you will like this better than what we had before.  Looking forward to your next report.

I just got through telling Ron that I was looking forward to reading more of your posts. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your commentary on your trip and seeing the photos you posted. I'm really glad you could join us here.

BTW I must have missed something and didn't realize you had an injured wrist. Hope it hasn't been too painful and that you're on the road to recovery.

Looking forward to seeing you in Moab.
Glad to see that you and Terry are back Betty.  We'll get together with you two when you get back from Las Vegas. :)
Hi Betty,

I was about to send you the info to get on this forum when I saw your message. Glad you're here. We'll be looking forward to seeing you and Terry in Moab!

Betty Brewer said:
Betty Brewer is here.  We are home from our Mexico trip and my wrist is healing.  Soon I will be able to post the final leg of the trip up Baja.


Hi Betty & Terry,

Glad to see you both here. This forum is getting the "old shoe feel" that CIS lost when AOL took them over.  I hope the wrist heals soon. I was wondering what happened to those wonderful posts you were putting up on CIS.

I see in another thread that you have been volunteered to show us the photos of the Copper Canyon at the Moab rally. I have a LCD projector that you can hook directly to you computer to show the photos. It's one that I used to use to make presentatons to groups of engineers--before I retired  ;D ;D ;D. I'll bring it along and you can use it for your slide show.


Thanks for offering to bring along the projector Chet. I wonder if Terry has told Betty he volunteered her for the show.
Welcome back Betty.  We missed you at QZ.  I assume Terry is fine.  Sorry about your wrist.  Must have missed something in the messages.  Look forward to your last story.

Betty Brewer is here.  We are home from our Mexico trip and my wrist is healing.  Soon I will be able to post the final leg of the trip up Baja.


Glad to hear you are improving. Sue and I are planning our Copper Canyon trip after reading your journal. Have you arranged your commissions from Fantasy Tours for the business you have created for them? <VBG>
[Glad to hear you are improving. Sue and I are planning our Copper Canyon trip after reading your journal. Have you arranged your commissions from Fantasy Tours for the business you have created for them? <VBG>

Hi Jeff,

Now that you mention it I should check with Fantasy to see if there is a referral program.? This is one of those opportunities to share something in which you truly believe and from the heart.? The trip was a dream.

Chet18013 said:
This forum is getting the "old shoe feel" that CIS lost when AOL took them over.

It is a lot more comfortable now, Chet.  Tom has a real winner here. :)

Thanks for the kind words Phil. It sure feels good to see folks participating again.

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