Big Bend National Park,Texas Rally - April 17-24

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
drfife said:
Henry, it was great meeting you today at Maverick Ranch.

Your neighbors,

Russell & Janice Fife
Excel Winslow 5th wheel

Great meeting you guys today also and glad to have you for a neighbor. I was telling Betty Brewer about you guys. She is on the RV staff and here with us this week. We are driving into the park tomorrow morning and going on a short hike to Cattail Falls about a 2-1/2 mile round trip if you guys are interested. Leaving at 9:00am. Always glad to have family join in.

ModEdit: Fixed defective quote tag - LS
Here are a few pics today from the hike up Lost Mine trail. Nobody found the mine I guess that why they call it Lost Mine. We ended up doing around 17,000 steps and we all feel it.


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Here is the group photo taken this evening after our grilling session and good food.  Would have liked better light for the shot, but we had overcast skies today.  Great group and very cooperative for the shot.  Only needed one.



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A small group of six opted for a shorter hike and a shorter drive into Big Bend Ranch State Park today (25 minute drive to Trailhead)  to hike Closed Canyon. It was  advertised as an easy to moderate hike of  1.4 miles. We checked it out  yesterday and at  96 degrees decided to return in  morning when it was cooler. ( good call)

We left camp at  8 am!  Good for Terry for getting up early and not complaining! We used our Texas State Park Passes purchased last year in Palo Duro Canyon and got a free day use  pass.
Pictured is a group shot at Trail  head.

It was a beautiful slot canyon carved by water and turned into a moderate trail very quickly! We did  some mighty fine rock scrambling today! Laughing all the way. Saw a frog, heard  birds, saw  bees swarming( where we turned back)  and loved the day, which was topped off  by  lunch at  Lajitas RVResort restaurant across from Maverick RV Park.  While spinach salads were small the  burgers were BIG.  Lovely setting, lovely view!


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April 22, 2016 Earth Day

Awards today  were fun and revealing!
Charles presented Leo the TX Care Bear Award to Leo  because Leo held hands with is wife  all day. Charles said it reminded  him of his relationship with his lovely wife Robin!  AWWWWWW  So both  photos will show up of  happy couples!

Sheila nominated Terry as  Sheriff of the day as Terry had the  longest legs and stride to rescue his  stranded hikers in  many deep holes today.

No one could think of anything Goofy today so we  used  long standing rule that  awards  could be retroactive!  Seems  a couple  of days ago  while  crossing an international Border and talking with Custom  Agent this  winner could not answer the question " Where are you going!"  Chrystal has now figured out where she is  going because Mike told her!


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Many were thinking it and then it happened.  Henry presented an Extra Special  Person Award to make  Mike Z (zmotorsport) an  Honorary Texan !  The  BIG cup signifies all things Texan and the Big heart of our friend Mike Z and lovely wife Chrystal for  coming so far in so few days to Texas to join the RVForum rally.  His expertise is renowned on RVforum and his  friendship is priceless.  He gives  credit due as deserved to lovely wife.
Once upon a time he joined  a rally of this RV Forum not knowing a  single person and look at the friends he has gained now!  You too  can be such a person if you join in and  give of yourself and your  expertise!


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So moving on with our big and almost final day of this rally we held  a grill your own meat night and bring a side dish.

So many  Baby  Webers BBQ's were in force such that we could have been a commercial!  After the  meal  Ron Maribito herded us all into the  super shot you've already seen on this post!

Some of the meat was  way too rare for me!  But the side dishes were wonderful!


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After  grill your own meal tonight and ..............Thanks to Gary  Phillips we had  a first activity  that I  can recall at an RVForum Rally. We played  BINGO! It was a winner take all  black out session with a  buy in  of 2 cards for $5.

The  pot was $140 and when you had only 2 numbers left to win, you had to stand.  The near winners were mostly women but alas the last number called was won by Ken Kuch .  $140, not  bad for coming to  dinner!
Gary gave me the remaining cards so I see Bingo in future RVForum rallies! 


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Sad to see Mike and Chrystal have to leave today, as stated above, two of the nicest people we have ever met. Have a nice trip back to Utah, and we cant wait to see you again soon.
It looks like we missed a really fun rally!  Sure glad to see Sheila finally got on that mule.  ;D  The hikes look like the kind we love.  Great photos.  Our current internet connection is poor so only about half the photos have come in.  The others eventually turned into an X (timed out?) but the thumbnails are better than nothing.  ::)  We've missed sharing the fun times with you!

Meanwhile we have enjoyed being with Jerry's family.  It's raining today and we opted out of sitting in the rain to watch our nephew play in a lacrosse game which means we have some time to catch up on your rally.  Safe travels to all as it ends and you go your separate ways!

A big thank-you to Betty Brewer for all the pics that made those of us who weren't able to make it feel like part of the group.  We hope to catch up with some of you at the Yellowstone rally in a few weeks, and others down the road.  We really miss the fun and commraderie of such a great group of friends.  Thanks for sharing.  Safe travels to all.

Steve & Dee
Steve N Dee said:
A big thank-you to Betty Brewer for all the pics that made those of us who weren't able to make it feel like part of the group.  We hope to catch up with some of you at the Yellowstone rally in a few weeks, and others down the road.  We really miss the fun and commraderie of such a great group of friends.  Thanks for sharing.  Safe travels to all.

Steve & Dee
The Sheriff, Richard sharp and I toured Big Bend today...


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Thanks to Henry and the group for the Honarary Texan award. I am truly humbled by the friendships we have made with all of our forum framily members. It was such a great rally and great to spend time with everyone.  It was sad to have to leave today, but we will see many of you later in the year.

Travel safely until we eat again.

Mike & Chrystal.
We left Maverick this AM and have reached Roswell.  The aliens have not landed here so far but maybe later tonight!

Thanks to everyone for the Event, but especially to Henry, Big Larry and Doc Phillips.  You three gentlemen... outstanding leadership award for herding the RVForum cats. 

It's winding  down, several pulled out quietly this morning leaving  vacant RV spots and holes in our hearts! But the hearty  last remaining  RVForum participants  played hard and toured well today.A morning  hike to Cattail Falls was supposed to  be  a short  2  miles but I  ended up with  11,790 steps today!  Hummmmmm I hiked  with Ken, Sheila and the  entire group while Terry and  Richard drove the park to The Basin, St Elenya Canyon  and Maverick Road.  We somehow met up for  lunch at the visitor center.  Fun day and all  made it to the 5 pm final Happy Hour.  Most  went across the street to Lajitas Inn for  dinner!

Awards tonight: 

Tough Texan hats were presented to  resident Texans, Ron and Shirley.  At  84 he continues to  be amazing in every respect. From his photography to his resilience (recall he fell off his ladder the first night we arrived) his hiking ability, his photographic skills  and his ever present positive attitude.  We know his beautiful  redhead wife (who rocked the  Texan hat) is  his inspiration and love!  Aren't they  cute?

The Rally hosts Larry, Henry and  Gary announced their  retirement from leading RVForum  rallies for a while and were given a big cheer for the  magnificent job they did on running this Big Bend Rally .  Rally hosts come early, plan events and make sure all of us have a good time.  Hosts  are the last to leave a trail and  worry the most about weather,  plans and locked gates!  Bingo is a new tradition, thank you Gary, Hats awards and  prizes  were the  generous gestures from Team Henry and  Margaret. Larry was  the  MC with the most verbose voice and ran Happy Hours with skill and humor.  Loretta  was  behind him  all the way ! Big thanks to those native Texans for making us  feel  true Texas hospitality!

Texas Care  Bear had so many nominations today that  a Group award was  made!  All were to  touch  Care  Bear  and Jan had to be reminded to  only touch the Bear!  Suzanne thanked all who helped her  over the big boulders today and for  all who helped  fishing  for her fallen sun glasses out of the stream below the boulders.  She was truly grateful for a job well done  in a very  precarious spot!  There was another reason for  a Care Bear recipient and it was  Margaret but sorry  I  could not recall the details from my spot.  Someone help me fill in details  of this caring  Framily!

Terry already told you today  that he was "Sheriff for the day" (as seen  in many  of his photos)  and traveled around the  Park with his navigator Richard.  When  I asked him who  would win Sheriff , he said the only person he saw all day was Richard so Richard  would win for  being a perfect navigator! And Richard was silent when his pacemaker went into action to  keep up  with  pace they traveled over a washboard road.

Some how  I got  Goofy... I don't know why . I did nothing  Goofy on this trip!  But  maybe Goofy will show  up at a rally in the near future and I'll be prepared !!!!!



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So as we all travel on our separate ways may I mention to you that RVForum flags are available. Staffer Don Miller has 21 for sale. $20 delivered to buyer's address. They can be ordered off the Forum under "Forum Logo Ware"

Nice to fly our colors to identify our friends!

Edit: Added link.
Gwen and I also left Lajitis is morning and are recouping in Kerrville on our way to The Woodlands. We had such a wonderful time at the rally in Big Bend I can't begin to thank everyone involved with the experience. Without the planning, knowledge of the area and camaraderie of the group, we would have never enjoyed ourselves as we did. A special shout out to The Big Larry, Gary, Charles, and others for all their work making the rally such a success.  And to my friend and sometime neighbor Henry, I am grateful for the invitation to join the rally, thankful for your guided tours of the park and value your friendship.

Hope to see you all again soon,
Gwen & Neal
Margaret and I want to thank everyone that came to the rally. Without your participation this Texas rally would have never happened. The RV forum family holds a special place in our hearts. Since we have began our journey we have met so many wonderful people.
  Sad but true everything must come to an end so as your journey continues be safe and keep in touch. Thanks again until we see each other again.    Happy Trails. Henry and Margaret
I have to echo Henry's comment.  My thanks to Gary & Andrea, Henry & Margaret for their friendship,
time & effort and support in making this Rally fun.  Work really isn't work if you love doing it and that
certainly describes what we did.

Thank you to all who attended.  We love the RV Forum "Framily" and look forward to the next time we
can get together and share the fun we all enjoy.  Until then we wish you safe roads and Happy Trails!

THE Big Larry & Loretta

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