Big Change for Bill & Jolene

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2005
Benson , AZ.
As many may know, or not so many as we haven't been that active lately,  Jolene and I have been work camping in Yellowstone at Old Faithful, running a bookstore.  Well it started as work camping and morphed into year round with an apartment.  Well, after 10 years, it is time to pack up.  We did it big time.  In a 2 week period bought a new(er) (to us) coach, from a fellow forum member.  Turned in my resignation and found a to be work camp job for next summer in the town outside the park.  We will head to AZ for the winter, or possibly Fl, that is still on the map table. 

Hoping to participate in the New Years non-party as well as Quartzsite this year.  It has been awhile for us for both.

Looking forward to travel again, but that work thing, just keeps calling me, so who knows.

Maybe even the Wickenburg Bluegrass this year!
Bill, I think I can speak for many people here...THANK YOU for all you?ve done for us over the years. We were among the group who was at the Yellowstone rally in 2016. You provided us with a ton of valuable information that helped make a good trip great.
Oh, Bill, I'm so happy to hear you and Jolene have decided to take some time and have some FUN!  Looking forward to seeing you in Arizona this winter.

ArdraF said:
Oh, Bill, I'm so happy to hear you and Jolene have decided to take some time and have some FUN!  Looking forward to seeing you in Arizona this winter.


Ardraf...which part of AZ are you? I'm in Phoenix!
Bill, congratulations on this new phase of your life!  Happy trails, and I'm looking forward to seeing you and Jolene somewhere this winter!
We'll be at Quartzsite in January at the RV Forum rally site south of town.

We are sure hoping our travels take us to Q.  We were abe to attend back in 2011, it is time!  That rally,  it was my pleasure!

See you all out on the road.
PancakeBill said:
We are sure hoping our travels take us to Q.  We were abe to attend back in 2011, it is time!  That rally,  it was my pleasure!

See you all out on the road.

Has it been that long? Wow, how time flies...

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