Big Howdy.....

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Mr Bojangles

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
Hamburg, PA.
Hello Folks,
I Stop in for a "Look See" every once and awhile, happens to be one of those times. At one time it (the Forum) was fun and addictive I guess, but really lots of fun. And so much information and help, as well as friendships.
I have not been "on the road' for a number of years by choice, and that's a good thing.... choice.

I'll be 82 years old in 8 days and if I had a "rig", going out for a spin around our country would be foolish, selfish, dangerous, tentative, and still DESIRERABLE.  The "lifestyle" of the RV'er was always my "cup of tea", but the "other half' is a home body.
God Bless you people.
"Oh.... To be "On the Road again".
Big Howdy back at you
I'm turning 74 soon but in about the same boat. I would love to continue traveling as before but my wife is not able. I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row to put the motorhome up for sale. It will be a very sad day as we have been camping since about 1985.

God Bless and take care
Hello Tom,
Thanking you in person (virtual) now, and all the "Administrators".
Been on line at other forums and must say your selection of people was "Spot On". Spot on being words I believe you may have heard in your early back ground (?).
The professional and caring manners, as well as their technical expertise was very enjoyable.

Hello Gary and Nancy:
My Nancy and I really enjoyed your taken the time to "stop in" for a visit while you were in close proximity (Hersey, Pa. ), I believe.
I witnessed your Technical Wizardry, appreciating the time you took to ensure you had the facts right before responding to people needing help. Thanks again.

Thanks for your response. Good luck with the sale of your Motor Home. And, all happens in the manner you plan.

Arch Hoagland,
Thanks Arch Hoagland. When I seen your name in your response, my mind (memory) felt  familiar and comfortable. Inviting me to participate and suggesting "I had something to contribute" may have been the reason.
I have to believe you read the book, "How to make friends and influence People" By Dale Carnegie.  I'm sure you could have contributed to it's content. Ha, ha. 
"How to make friends and influence People" By Dale Carnegie

Read it back in the olden days and it made, and still makes, a lot of sense.  Pretty easy to do too.

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